This game is pretty self-explanatory: try to discover what the secret SM word or phrase is by guessing letters. You have ten chancesto guess incorrectly before the game is lost. The hidden words can benames, places, characters, attack phrases, and song titles. Everything is taken(and spelled) from the five seasons of the Japanese Sailormoon series, butvery few are from the NA series.

There are sixty word puzzles to choose from, and the background that loads on each page is random. The majority of the puzzles are very easy, but there are some that are tricky!

At the top of each screen, you will see a little diagram that illustrates how many chances you have left. Whatever happens, don't let Jadeitedefeat Sailor Moon!!
Puzzle #01
Puzzle #02
Puzzle #03
Puzzle #04
Puzzle #05
Puzzle #06
Puzzle #07
Puzzle #08
Puzzle #09
Puzzle #10
Puzzle #11
Puzzle #12
Puzzle #13
Puzzle #14
Puzzle #15
Puzzle #16
Puzzle #17
Puzzle #18
Puzzle #19
Puzzle #20
Puzzle #21
Puzzle #22
Puzzle #23
Puzzle #24
Puzzle #25
Puzzle #26
Puzzle #27
Puzzle #28
Puzzle #29
Puzzle #30
Puzzle #31
Puzzle #32
Puzzle #33
Puzzle #34
Puzzle #35
Puzzle #36
Puzzle #37
Puzzle #38
Puzzle #39
Puzzle #40
Puzzle #41
Puzzle #42
Puzzle #43
Puzzle #44
Puzzle #45
Puzzle #46
Puzzle #47
Puzzle #48
Puzzle #49
Puzzle #50
Puzzle #51
Puzzle #52
Puzzle #53
Puzzle #54
Puzzle #55
Puzzle #56
Puzzle #57
Puzzle #58
Puzzle #59
Puzzle #60

OR try a random linkto one of the above 60.
The video-game images on the following pages came from: KatC's Sailor Moon Wing.
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