ZSNES Default Keys Here are the default keys while running the emulator. They can be changed through the GUI except for F1 and ESC : Disable Backgrounds 1,2,3,4 = 1,2,3,4 Disable Sprites = 5 Panic Key (enable all) = 6 Enable SNES Mouse/SuperScope = 7 Enable New Graphics Engine = 8 Disable Windowing = 9 Disable OffsetMode = 0 Fast Forward Key = ~ PopUp Extra Menu = F1 Save State = F2 Switch State = F3 Load State = F4 Disable Sound Channel = F5 - F12 Quit = ESC Here are the default keys for the game play (unless modified through the GUI): Player 1 : Up,Down,Left,Right : Cursor Keys A,B,X,Y : X,Z,S,A L,R : D,C Start, Select : Enter, RShift