Chibi-Mars asDM / Luna
Princess Alise asRei / Sailor Mars
Alisha asAllie / Ka Lo
Aries asKiki / Sailor Aries
Tori asTori / Sailor Elda
Universe asHotaru / Sailor Saturn
Seiana asZoltan / Sailor Pegasus
Star asSeiya / Sailor StarFighter
Sara asMina / Sailor Venus
Sailor Twilight asChibiUsa / Chibi-Moon
Yuukoku Hoshi asSetsuna / Pluto

The Sailor Senshi converge on a suspicious source of Chaos energy in a Japanese-style amusement park, but encounter danger and fearsome enemies.

*Note: Image 2 is from PQ Angels. Image 3 is from SoulTaker and Papillon Rose. Image 4 is from Aquarian Age. Image 5 is from SoulTaker. Image 6 is from Papillon Rose. All images were altered from their original states.

To ALL PRESENT: It's the first day of the Sakura season and out the window, you can see the ground covered with pink blossoms. It's a very calm, and bright day. You are at a Sailor Senshi meeting in Rei's temple. As soon as the meeting starts, Luna jumps to the head of the table. "There's a new problem we have to investigate," she says very matter-of-factly. "Central Control recently found a strangely large amount of Chaos energy concentrated somewhere in the city. Artemis and I have a really bad feeling about it." "We think that maybe our enemies from the future are collecting the Chaos energy to open a gate to let their armies in... There's no telling, but at any rate we should go check it out before it gets worse." Luna pulls out a brochure and unfolds it over the table. It's a map for 'Edo FunLand'. "This is an amusement park that's still under construction. They're remaking the ancient Edo period. We got the signals of Chaos energy from somewhere inside here." Luna takes out Sailor Moon's moon-wand. It's blinking slowly. "We've tuned this wand to home-in on the source of chaos-energy," she says. "So it shouldn't be too hard to find once we get there. Who wants to be in charge of it?" Luna looks around at the group assembled.

Of course, Zoltan was just getting up back on his home planet, Illusion (Elysion). He throws his covers off, and straightens up his shirt and pants. *I wonder if there's going to be any disturbances in the peace today?* Walking up to the window, and opening up the curtains, he thought carefully. *There's been peace for quite a while, bt it might not last... Nah, it's just the same self-doubts I keep having every day.* Zoltan walks into the bathroom, and comes out a few minutes later, completely cleaned and wearing his usual outfit. It was about the same as Elios's, except that colors where yellow and orange. "Well, shall I go to the shrine, or shall I enjoy this nice day?"

Kiki looks at Luna. "I will" she offered. "I can handle it, I think...." she added the last part to herself and looked around. she played with har braid nervously and held out her hand to take the wand from Luna. "Well not unless no on else wants to of course" she thought she could handle it but didnt want to seem too confident of herself and then mess up.

Pets meko as he looks at the wand. has his other hand over mekos mouth sinse he was trying to yell about seiya going to a scout meeting. "Why do all th bad things happen at amusment parks?" he asks almost to himself

Hotaru walks down the path, glancing and adoring the cherry blossom leaves. She notices in her bright pink world that she is going to be late for the scout meeting at Rei's temple. Sprinting she finally arrives, in time to listen to what Luna is saying. Staying at the door she waits.

Rei listens to Luna's speech and lecture and almost falls asleep. ^_^ (Rei isnt that different from Usagi sometimes...hehehe) "I think this is a job for everyone." She says as she comes out of her sleep. Rei hopes she said the right thing as she looks around the room. Rei looks at the others and continues, "Whenever someone said that they were going out to do something on their own, something almost always bad happened and we can't allow history to repeat itself. I believe that we should all track this Chaos evil stuff and fix everything and then go back to the normalities. All in agreement say "I"." She concludes as she goes back to sleep.

Kiki sighed. "I don't really care.... I just offered cause I didn't know if anyone else was going to" she had been slightly depressed lately, feeling like she didn't really fit in with the other girls that well. "I'd just rather not go, I don't think anyone wants me there anyway" she mumbled the last part to herself but if you were listening I'm sure you could hear her. She put her hand down and looked at the floor. She stood up and walked to the door. "Tell me later what you've decided, if you even want me on the team still" she muttered and opened the door and walked outside.

Allie slowly walked down the road toward Rei's temple. She looked at the cherry blossoms on the ground and sighed bored. 'I don't know if I want to go,' she thought to herself. 'After all, Queen Serenity did destroy my home planet.' "I wonder what time it is..." she says aloud. Allie looks at her watch and eyes widen. "IF I AM GOING, I'M LATE!" She starts running faster, trying to ignore the staring people, snickering and giggling at her appearance and sudden worry.

Tori yawned and place her hat back on backwards, scooting a bit closer to Seiya. "I agree that we shouldnt just have one person do the job alone. But I dont think that all of us are needed. Maybe just a few of us should go - like two of us!" She then popped up, grabbing Seiya and pulling him to his feet. "Like Seiya-chan and me!!" Tori smiled and put her sunglasses on.

is yanked to his feet. meko droped to the floor and landed on his head. "Umm..uhh...yea..I..umm...guess.."

Zoltan smiles, instantly deciding. "Oh what the heck!!!" He laughs and makes his computer appear. The computer looks exactly like Washu's, from Tenchi. He quickly types somethins on it, lights flashing and weird music playing. "Oh no, my worst nightmare! You mean, there is evil wandering around? Awww, man." He groans, angrilly, as he reads on. "WHAT?! NO WAY AM I COOPERATING WITH SENSHI MARS!!!! HER GREAT GREAT GREAT GRANDMA KILLED MY PAST SELF FOR PETE'S SAKE!!!! AND I'M NOT COOPERATING WITH THAT SATURN BRAT, EITHER!!! NOR WITH VENUS, OR ANY OF THEM OTHERS!!!!! ERGH!!!!! I'LL WORK ON MY OWN!!!!!" He could be heard thoughout the planet of Illusion. The truth was, he and his senshi were the worst enemies of the Sol Senshi, and never tried to cross paths. In the Constellation Senshi's past lives, the Sol Senshi's great great great grandmothers killed them.

Allie slowly walked down the road toward Rei's temple. She looked at the cherry blossoms on the ground and sighed bored. 'I don't know if I want to go,' she thought to herself. 'After all, Queen Serenity did destroy my home planet.' "I wonder what time it is..." she says aloud. Allie looks at her watch and eyes widen. "IF I AM GOING, I'M LATE!" She starts running faster, trying to ignore the staring people, snickering and giggling at her appearance and sudden worry.

Allie finally reaches the temple and stands next to Hotaru breathing hard. She bends down, putting her hand on her knees looking at the floor. Allie looks up at some people getting ready to leave. She sighs tired and moves from the doorway. "So...What's goin' on in the 'Sailor World'?" she asks.

Hotaru giggled a little bit and repeated best she could -of course forgetting a few details- what luna said to Allie, "Understand? if you do you are good because I'm still confused" She joked.

Tori smiled brighter, clinging onto Seiya's arm. "Kay! Hey Ki-chan, why dont you come too?" She then grabbed the wand from Luna. "Alrighty! Lets get a move on it." Tori scooped up Meko and snuggled him(I love cats^_^ I have nine.) knowing he would probably hate it but doing it anyways. "You coming Kiki?"

"NO!" Kiki called to Tori in a irritable tone. Who knows why she was in such a bad mood. For sake of all her friends she didn't get along with Venus and the other planet senshi she knew what their ansestors did to her friends past selves. She tried to get along with them ok, but she didn't feel like she belonged with any of the senshi. The only snehsi she belonged with were the zodiacs but they didn't seem to be around right then. Then she also knew some others she fit in with (Sei's chars) but they werent around at the moment either. "this bites.... I totally don't fit in here!" she mumbled.

Luna wonders what's wrong with Kiki. She notices she looks slightly sad. "On a regular day I would go comfot her," thinks Luna to herself, "But right now I'd better finish taking them to the site." Luna jumps to her feet and steps outside. "There's no use wasting time," she says to everyone in ear-shot. "Did you guys want to just walk in, or do you think it best to wait until nightfall?" Luna hopes everyone is with her, but kind of lost track of who was coming and who wanted to stay. She wished Usagi was here to unite the group. Everyone loves Usagi^_- To TORI: You notice that the wand is blinking. When you move it in a circle, it blinks fastest in the direction of the chaos energy. Right now it's pointing to the amusement park.

Zoltan stands in front of his computer, steaming. There was fire behind him and everyone was backing up. "ERRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRRR!!!" He starts stomping his feet. Then he stops and his eyes look a little softer. "Calm down Zoltan... Calm down..." He runs his hand though his white hair and sighs. Zoltan was obviously a lot like Elios in looks, but not like him in attitude. Zoltan was Elios with a bad attitude! He looks around at everyone that was staring at him. "What?" Everyone runs off and Zoltan blinks. "Ok, that was baka of them. Now I'm going to find that portal to Earth and open it back up!!!"

"This sucks this sucks this sucks...." Kiki muttered and followed Tori from a far distance away. "If only one person understood why I don't like those damn planetary senshi....well there are some but they aren't here. Everyone here gets along with them so well like they were great people or something, their ancestors did horrible things to my friends in the past"

"I think I do," Allie said. "And if I don't, oh well." Right away she noticed she didn't belong. Everyone had someone they were with. Though she was talking to Hotaru, she wasn't who she would normally call a good friend. Just a work-partner. 'I shouldn't have come...' she said to herself. 'Every time I see them I remember what they did.' She goes back towards the door. "Well, if I'm not needed I think I will go." She slowly begins to walk out, with a sigh ^_^'

"Ki-chan.." Tori sighed and shook her head. "Nope, I'm not gonna talk about that." She cleared her throat. "Anyways! Lets hurry it up!" Tori said as she dashed off following the wands indicated direction.

Hotaru made a small frown on her face and put her hand on Allie's shoulder, "Allie we are all a team, come on, you can't leave and we will need you" She said thoughtfully, a sparkle in her eye.

Rei sighed as she kept up with Luna headed for the Amusement Park. Rei watched Luna and then asked, "Why do the other planetary senshi hate the Sol Senshi sooo much, Luna?" She felt the tears welling up in her eyes...

Luna jumps up onto Rei's shoulder. She bows her head. "I'm not really sure," Luna responds to Rei. "But it's something from the past that hurt the Constellation Senshi a lot, and they're obviously still very sensitive about that." ..."I guess all we could do at this point is to hope things turn out for the best.."

Zoltan freezes in his tracks when he arrives near the portal. *They could try to kill me... I could be risking my life by saving my planet from any possible danger... I've already had enough of that... NO! I must! I can't! I must, but I can't!!!* "I'M GETTING A STINKIN' HEADACHE!!!" Zoltan's one eyebrow twitches as he stands in front of the portal. "I'll do it, but it's only for the sake of my friends! Not for those stupid Sol Senshi... ESPECIALLY SAILORMARS!!" He concentrates really hard. "Come on... Open up you portal..." Firey rose red, orange, and yellow energy started to develop around him.

Tori dragged Seiya out of the temple-room they were in. "Yeah! Come with us Alisha-chan - you too Ki-chan!" She smiled, finally letting Seiya lose from her grip.

"I guess I could stay..." Allie said slowly. She took a step back inside. "But I don't like being around the inner senshi's."

Hotaru smiled and gestured for Allie to follow Luna, "That's perfectly fine, Allie, it's okay if you don't like them. People have the right to."

"I have reasons to that's for sure," Allie said. "I guess I could go with them, I have nothing against Luna. In addition it is all Scout business." She slowly started to follow them to the... amusement park.

The portal opens.

The energy around Zoltan dies down quickly when the portal opens. "Ahhhhhhh..." With that, he did what he was famous for, and flipped right though the portal. ...On the other side, Zoltan lands right on his feet. He looks around, and realizes just where he landed. "YAH!!!!!!" He hides behind a tree, that was right in Rei's path. "Oh great, that Mars baka! And that kitty cat. Just what I need!!! Ergh." Zoltan peaks his head out and sighs a little. *I don't care if Elios says they changed, I still don't trust them one bit. I wonder if anyone I know is around here, maybe that would help me. Now where's that computer...?* His computer appears in front of him as he starts to type somethings, once again. *I'm stuck, unless I get to the back of the crowd. Shimatta.* Zoltan makes his computer disappear as he walks out from behind the tree.

Kiki walked behind the other senshi a far ways back. *I don't know why I'm getting these feelings and thses visions...* lately she had dreams and weird feelings around the and about the Sol sneshi. Her dreams keep taking her to a weird place where she and all her friends were. The Sol senhsi were there and they attacked her friends the constellation senshi and she saw them die one by one. She thought these were just dreams and had no idea she had actually been there when it happened. "Stop showing me this!!!" she screamed out of nowhere as a flash of a dieing Elios type guy kept filling her mind. She held her head and fell down on the ground as the images kept flooding her mind.

Allie followed behind everyone, coming out late. "I don't want to be here," she mumbled to herself. She started to drag her feet, staring at the ground. She sighed and looked up at everyone ahead, mainly Rei since she was part of the Sol senshis. 'I've been gone too long,' she told herself. 'Everyone says they don't act the way they used too from being on Earth but...' She let her thoughts drift away. 'I'm suppose to be one of them,' she realized. 'But they excluded me from their group and then for reasons I don't know Serenity destroyed my planet!' She could feel her face becoming hot from thinking about it. 'How am I suppose to let my anger pass when I see them all the time?'

Mina runs up to Raye's temple! She runs up the steps two at a time. She huffs and puffs. She makes it to the top of the stairs. "Anyone here?!"

In the main room, you see a bunch of cushions and things tossed around as if there was just a Sailor Senshi meeting here. On the table there is an unfolded map fo Edo Funland. The back door is wide open.

Zoltan continues walking, and tries to stay out of Luna's and/or Rei's path of sight. It's working pretty well, until... He trips over a rock and falls right at Rei's feet. "YAH!!!" He gets up and puts a hand behind his head. "Uhhhh... Ummmm... Ahhhhhh... Heh heh heh heh..."

Allie sees someone fall in front of Rei. "Who is that?" she asks herself and squints to try and see. "If it's another one of those Sol Scouts..." she says, her voice edgy.

"Stop there!" Tori jumped infront of Rei and stood in a fighting stance. "Alright wha - Huh.." She blinked as she looked at him. 'He looks like Elios....kinda cute actually!!' Tori thought to herself. She paused and thought for a moment. Tori then got out of her stance, knelt down, and held a hand out to help him up.

"I can't see who it is, but they look really cute from here," Allie said happily to herself, struggling to see. She ran up to everyone else and waited for them to say something. 'Yes!' she thought enthusiastic. 'It isn't one of those Sol Senshi's!' After seeing the person up close, Allie took one glimpse back. 'Wasn't Kiki with us?' she wondered. She looked back to see her on the ground, holding her head. She quickly went back and looked down at her. "What happened? Are you okay?" she asked quickly, trying to help her.

Zoltan blinks a little. "Hey..." He gets out his computer for a moment and looks up a certain name and profile. Then the computer disappears, of course. "...Tori, I'm already up, you know, and I would have accepted the help if you bent down sooner. You know, when I wasn't already standing up." He grabs her hand and pulls her up with no problem at all. With that, he starts to back up a little, to get a better view of the crowd. *Sol Senshi left and right.* He thinks to himself, a little irritated. *How shall I avoid them? I guess I'll have to act like... What's that human movie character? Tarzan, yea, that's the one.* Zoltan flips up into a tree, grabs a tree branch, and flips to the back of the crowd, with the help of the tree branch. He looks at Kiki and Allie. *That Kiki girl,* he thinks, knowing who she was, *seems so familiar, but I can't put my finger on it.* Zoltan bends down next to Kiki. "Oi! Kiki, are you ok?!"

Kiki shook out her head and looked up at the guy who had talked to her. She turned her head and saw him, the same Elios type looking guy that she had seen in her visions. "Yo....uu...." she stuttered. "Alive... Real?" she mumbled getting to her feet. "I saw you die.. there was blood everywhere and..." she wrapped her arms around herself. "But I thought I was only seeing things... but I couldnt have been your real and that must of really happened" she glanced at Allie hardly noticing at first she was there. "You weren't in it" she added in a funny voice for some strange reason and held her head as another flash came on.

Meanwhile... we see the inside of a shrine. Even though it is decorated rather elaborately, with candles and gold statues, the interior has a cave-like appearance since it is so dark and the walls are dripping a strange, dark fluid. A pair of voices talks to the girl who is kneeling there. "We've detected the presence of Sailor warriors near our manifestation in the 21st century," says the voices in unison. "Go there and protect it. Make sure nothing happens there. Remember, your life is the cost..." The girl stands up and nods her head. ------------------------------------------ To TORI: The wand detects a spike in Chaos energy. To EVERYONE: You notice that a dark presence has descended over the fantasy-land. A dark thunder-cloud and fog has covered over it, making it as dark as night even when it's in the middle of the day. You get a very ominous feeling from it. In addition to this, the Japanese-style buildings begin to morph a little bit. They become taller, thinner, and more sinister-looking. For instance, several of the buildings have grown spikes on the roofs of the towers.... You can't see a whole lot more from this distance. From the direction of the fantasy-land, you think you hear a scream. You're not really sure. It might have just been the sound of the buildings morphing.

Tori flushed ever so slightly a bit embaressed as he helped her up. She grumbled a 'thanks', and blinked when he jumped into a tree. She didnt pay attention to what else he was doing because she had caught sight of the wand in her hand blinking brightly and beeping. "Huh? More Chaos energy?" Tori then looked up at the sky which had darkend noticably. She looked around at the morphing buildings, getting a stomach turning feeling. "Ths doesnt look too good guys! I think we should transform before something bad happens." She stated, gripping her henshin bracelit tightly.

Mina runs out the back door. "Where is everyone?"

Zoltan just played attention to Kiki. "No wonder you were so familiar." He states, obviously shocked. "You must of been there when Mars killed my past self..."

Mina takes a chocolate bar out of her purse and waits. She finishes the chocolate and grabs an apple out of her purse. She eats the apple. She waits patiently knowing something weird is going on. She sighs silently. "Hello?"

"Alright you two," Tori said as she walked over to Kiki and Zoltan(Obviously shes talking to them), "you can have your little reunion later. Right now we have to deal with whats going on." She stated. Shrugging off her normal immatureness and replacing it with the mature side of herself. "Now, lets go check it out before things get worse. I'm gonna go check out were that scream came from. Someone wanna come with me?"

Hotaru blinked, a little confused, noticing the sudden changes, backing up, "Guys... is this an illusion.. or is this real?" She said with a shakey voice, "it's creepy" Hotaru shiviered.

Kiki looked up at Tori. "Reunion? You think this is some sort of happy little reunion? No! I saw him die Tori so get a grip and let me figure out why!" she was obvisously creeped out and you could tell by the tone of her voice. She looked at Zoltan. "Why... I dont even know who you are... why am I seeing all this?" she then noticed the change in scenary and she shivered a little. "This is nuts..." she held her head.

"Hey! I Never said it was happy, okay?!" Tori took a deep breath, trying not to get angry. "Okay, I'll give you two some 'alone time', but I'M going to go check out that scream."

Allie smiled at Kiki's remark. "Of course I wasn't there," she laughed. "When all that happened, I was on probabton by Serenity, and stuggling to find a home after she also destroyed my planet." Her smile faded, remembering it all again. "Hey Tori," she said quietly when she came over, then noticed all the darkness above her. 'What's going on?' she wondered.

Zoltan smiles a little. "My name is Zoltan. Uinguno, Zoltan." He gets up and looks around. "Ahhhh, this is nothing compared to what I've seen." *I've lived though the darkest and worst of times, and they think this is weird? Hmmmmmm...*

"Me too," Allie said. "But this is weird for this area." She looks around more. "I figure whoever is behind that evil energy in the amusement park found out we were headed there, and is trying to stop us." She paused again. "Like that will ever happen," she mumbled under her breath, looking at the ground.

Tori threw up her wrist with her transfomation bracelit on it. "Elda planet power...Make-UP!" With a flash of silver light Tori had transformed into Sailor Elda. "Alright! I'm outta here." She grabbed her staff and dashed of down the street towards where she heard the scream from.

Allie turns when she hears the scream. "That's not normal either," she says. She turns into Ka Lo Ktchul, but instead of running after Elda, stayed a second. "This is what I've been waiting for, the fight part of this adventure. I knew there was a reason I put up with those Sol Senshi's." Ka Lo grins and, at last, runs after Elda.

Rei backs away alittle because of hearing their thoughts and for what they have said. "I'm psychic remember? Hate me all you want but that is not gonna help you win this fight. It seems this girl's life is on the line so she will do whatever it takes to get rid of us." Rei feels tears welling up in her eyes. She looks to Allie and Zoltan. "Strength comes from kindness." Rei turns from the group and looks over to Luna. "Luna I will follow the group from a distance and watch your back Luna. That way I will no longer be a nuisance to such people." The last thing you see is Rei's 7" heels into the trees.

Ka Lo looks over her shoulder at everyone behind her. "Hmmm, are we the only ones going somewhere?" she mumbles. Luna, Kiki, Zoltan... Rei." She watches Rei jump into the trees and out of sight. She shakes her head and keeps running. "It doesn't take a super hero to see when you hurt people's feelings," she tells herself. "Better start watching what I say. It was Serenity that did the most damage, not her apprentices."

Hotaru stood back and closed her eyes, "Saturn Planet Make up!" She transformed and walked slowly behind the people wondering about Rei, *man that so isn't nice.* She walked into the trees, "Rei? Are you there?" She said softly.

Ka Lo saw Saturn approach the trees where Rei disappeared. 'I should go back...' she decided. 'But will I say? I wasn't very nice...' She stops running and slowly jogged back next to Saturn. "Hey, Rei!" she called up, trying to see her. "I can't see you, but I assume you can hear. I'm sorry for what I said, it isn't you I am angry, with it is Serenity. I'll try to be more considerate when I say things. It is really hard to be around people who excluded me and whose ruler destroyed my past life. You can understand right? I'm really sorry." Ka Lo looked down at the ground waiting for any reply. "I really am trying," she added quieter. "It's just, back in the olden days, you and the other girls really hurt me when you wouldn't hang around with me. It wasn't later that I found out it was Serenity who said you couldn't. I'm having trouble believing it though, I don't why she couldn't, unless it had to do with my parents but I thought she was more understanding then that. You probably don't remember..."

Luna hears Rei's plan of falling behind. "Rei, I don't think--" But Rei is gone before Luna can offer protest. *Trouble's coming*, she thinks... *but-*... Luna sees Sailor Elda run ahead, but finds herself unable to do the same. She just can't leave Rei. Luna knew well enough that even though Rei always managed to maintain a strong sense of composure, she had a vulnerable character underneath. She knew that in a way that only the other Inner Senshi could know. She wonders if Rei was really hurting under that exterior, and how much. Luna stops near Hotaru's feet (by the trees) "We have to try to work together just this once," she says to Ka Lo (while secretly hoping that Rei could hear as well). She realizes that her voice isn't all that convincing... she is just a cat after all....

Zoltan just shakes his head. *I've lived though the Death Ages, and everyone in the universe died besides Nenhenyi, I, and someone else,* he thinks, *and this is nothing.* With that, he flips into the air and turns into a pegasus, not giving away his senshi form quite yet. Zoltan flies in the air. He lands next to Kiki. "Hey... Are you coming?" He asks, in the same way Elios would when he was Pegasus. It was though his mind, but everyone could hear.

Kiki looked around. *This is nothing compared to what I've seen in my head...* she thought then glanced at Zoltan in his pegasus form. "Yes I guess I am" she smiled slightly at the beautiful creature before her then reached in her jeans pocket. "Aries Star Sign Power!" she called out and transformed into Sailor Aries. "Ready" Sailor Aries mumbled. "Um yea so lets go I suppose" she looked around not exactly sure where they were going. "Hehee where are we going again?"

"*To Edo Funland, I believe.*" Zoltan responds and then flies into the air again. "*Hey... Do you need a ride or something?*"

"I'd love one!" Sailor Aries smiled looking up at him. "Of course if you don't mind that is" she tilted her head funnily and leaned one leg on a tree stump. She put her elbow on her leg and rested her chin on it as she waited.

Zoltan jerks his head in a certain direction as if saying: 'Just go ahead'. "*I don't mind... I'm used to it...*" He lands back on the ground and waits for her to hop on while looking up.

"I've always wanted to ride a pegasus" Sailor Aries smiled and lifted her leg over and hopped on his back. She looked down at him. "Gosh your so amazingly beautiful...." she ran a hand along his neck area then pulled her hand back like she did something wrong. "Gomen, I bet you don't like people doing that to ya eh?" she looked up and waited.

"And I'm willing to work together on this one," Ka Lo explained. "If everything goes wrong, due to my bad attitude, everything could be lost. Not just Earth and stuff, but my chances of finding that power I need to help re-create my planet. It is all worth it, some new friends and my old home." Ka Lo managed a small smile, but it faded as she looked back up in the tree, trying to see Rei.

Zoltan chuckles. "*No one's really done that before. It actually feels kind of nice.*" He flies up into the air and stays by the tree, avoiding Rei's path of sight. "*So what's the plan?*" He asks Ka Lo and Saturn, dully.

Sailor Aries runs her hand along his neck again trying to get him in a better mood. "Yea where are we going and stuff?" she asked them with a smile. She was apparently enjoying her ride.

Elda's boots clicked on the sidewalk as she ran. She was too far ahead too pick up what the others were saying. "Wheres the energys source? I can feel it.. But I just can't find where its coming from." Elda spoke to herself. Still running.

Mina sits there bored.

Now, to MINA: You're sitting around bored. You hear the rice-door next to you slide open. Before you even turn around to look you hear the voice of Grandpa Hino-- "Hey Mina! Why are you still here? The rest of the girls left a long time ago, don't you know that? Anyway, it's no problem with me if you want to stay here, you can just stay and have fun with GRANDPA"-- he says this very enthusiastically as he approaches, does a flip over your head, and lands in your lap^_^

Mina jumps up. "ACK!!! You PERVERT!!! NO thanks! I mean...ummm...oops. She runs in and finds Chad. "Chad!!!!! Where did everyone go!!!!?????"

You find Chad sweeping up some dried leaves outside. "Oh hi, Mina" he says happily. "Well, I don't really know where they went," he says in response to your question, "but, why don't you just follow the path of footprints? They all left together." As he says this, he points to the path of recent footprints in the dirt.

Mina smiles. "Thanks Chad!" She runs off following the foot prints.

puts meko on his shouldar and looks around. Seiya looked up at Rei. "Rei! I dont mean to be mean but if you dont come down meko will go tiger and grag you down here. Again not trying to be mean.

Ka Lo looks from the tree to Aries and Zoltan. "Don't sound so wholehearted," she tells Zoltan sarcastically. "Anyway, I don't know what's going on right now. All I know is Rei is in the tree and I have to hurry up and catch Elda. Can't have her showing up at the amusement park alone." She quickly starts running towards where she saw Elda last. "Are you coming?" she called up to them. "We might need the help!" ÎNow I know I donât belong here,â she tells herself.

Zoltan blinks as he watches Ka Lo run off. He seems to be calmed by Sailoraries, but he's obviously confused now. *I'm not really here to help anyone,* he thinks, *I just want to protect my planet. I don't want it being wiped out like Auta-supe-su Toshi was back in 3000 B.C.* Zoltan sighs, "*It seems we're spilting up. I heard that might throw off the enemy, but right now Elda and Ka Lo are running right towards the enemy. That's not good at all. I'm not really here to help anyone, I'm just here. So... I'll leave it to you. Do you wish to follow them?*" He asks Sailoraries, in a whisper, like he wanted no one else to hear for some reason.

To Sailor ELDA: You run into the theme park. You don't have to pass through any gates or anything, because the park is still under construction and you entered from the backside. The entire place has been corrupted. All the buildings are black (and you're sure they're not supposed to be that way,) and everywhere is unnecessarily dark. It's so dark that you can't see what's in the distance. It's also abnormally quiet. The silence is amplified by the surreal ugliness of the buildings. All you can hear is yourself and the wand beeping. It's beeping in reaction to the Chaos energy. Being a Sailor warrior, you can feel the Chaos energy around you as well. The wand tells you that the source of it is just ahead of you, and it's moving. Not only that, it's moving fast! You're not quite sure why... The moving source of Chaos energy comes to a rest inside a warehouse to your right. This part of the amusement park isn't open to visitors- it just looks like a storehouse for construction equipment at the moment.

"Woah!" Elda jumped at the moving Chaos energy. "Ha! There you are, I've got you now.." She grinned, turning to her right. Now it was close enough that she knew it was coming from one of the storehouses. Elda gripped her staff as she walked up to one of the store houses, slid the door open and peeked inside...

You slide open the door noiselessly. The storehouse is rather big- inside you see tons of crates of whatever materials packed high up, almost to the ceiling. On the far side of the room, you see a girl huddled up on the floor crying. She is about ten or eleven years old, and she has light auburn hair. You can hear her sobbing and mumbling things to herself. She seems tired from running. The Chaos energy is coming from (you guessed it) her direction. She hasn't noticed your presence yet. Also, behind you, you see Sailor Ka Lo coming up^_^

'Is that her?' Ka Lo wondered. 'It is hard to see.' She starts to run faster forgetting everyone behind her. 'I can feel the Chaos energy growing...' Ka Lo enters the amusement park and looks around for where Elda might have gone. 'Let's see...' She searches around for a strong Chaos point.

Elda walked in, leaving the door open. She didnt notice Ka Lo coming up behind her. Elda heard a sound and she looked around, her eyes falling upon the crying girl. 'What? A kid?' She thought to herself. 'This doesnt seem right..' Elda walked forward towards the crying child. "Hello, Little girl?" She suddenly stopped only a couple of feet away from her. 'Wait a second..that Chaos energy its..ITS COMING FROM HER!'

"Elda?" Ka Lo called quietly, becoming nervous. 'Hmm, I guess she would go towards the Chaos energy, which is... This way." She comes towards some buildings. "It is ether that one...or this one." She tries one, but the first fails to have anyone inside. "Then she must be in this one." She goes to the other one and looks inside. "Elda? Are you here?"

"What..?!" Elda quickly turned around to look at Ka Lo. She was a bit jumpy. "Ka Lo.. I-I think I found the source of the energy..its this little girl." Elda said and pointed at the crying huddled girl on the floor.

Ka Lo walked in slowly, quickly looking to her left and right. She came to Elda's side and knelt down next to the girl. "I wonder what's wrong with her," Ka Lo said softly. "But I think you're right, I can feel it too, and the wand is off the charts." Ka Lo was going to touch the girl's shoulder but jerked her hand back suddenly realizing what she was going to do. She stood up straight and watched the girl cry. "Does she know we're here?" she asked quietly.

"I dont know.." Elda bit her bottom lip. "I wonder whats wrong with her. Did the Chaos energy take over her body like Hotaru's?"

"Too soon to tell I think," Ka Lo said sadly. "I hope it isn't. She is either a sweet kid over taken, or an evil kid with an extra kick." She took a nervous breath. "I wish she would stop crying... Maybe if Luna ever shows up she can tell us what might be happening."

After waiting quite a while, Luna decides to let Rei do her own thing. "Well, let's get going," she says to Seiya and Hotaru. "Rei always knows what to do...And we don't want the others to get too far ahead on our own. After all, we're the Sol Senshi, and it's our job to protect the planet," she says positively. To Sailor ELDA and KA LO:The girl didn't notice you for the longest time because she was absorbed in her crying. She notices you suddenly. She screams a high-pitched shriek. "EEK! Who or what are YOU supposed to be?!" She scurries away quickly. You notice that she's carrying a gun! "Get away!" she cries while she shoots the gun three times at the two of you. After that, she runs and hides behind a stack of crates. She's gone (from your view). To Sailor ELDA and Sailor KA LO: There are three flaming bullets coming your direction.

"Wait! Gah." Elda dashed to the left to dodge one of the firey bullets and did manage to get out of its way - but as she did one blazed by her and grazed her side. She winced and placed a hand against her side. "Hey! Come back!!" Elda shouted, trying to get the girl to come back.

Ka Lo swings away from one bullet but the other hits her in the shoulder. She winces in pain and tries to fight it back. "Hey wait! Come back! We're not here to hurt you!" She grabs her shoulder. Planning to follow, however she now finds herself quickly trying to duck away from the caving roof. "Whoa!" Having to quickly change pace and direction she wobbles around the other way and moves. With a sigh of relief she looks for any sign of the girl.

Sailor Aries looked down at Zotlan still running her hand along his neck and down to his shoulder area (You know what I mean!) "I think we should.... we might be able to help and I'm not sensing good vibes from where they are headed" she whispered in his ear. "I'm not sure whats over there but I'd like to help them fight it if its bad"

Zoltan nods. "*Alright, but I'm not here to help. You can go ahead, though.*" He was focused on keeping the enemy away from Illusion, so it wouldn't turn out like Auta-supe-su Toshi, obviously. With that, he flew in the direction of Edo Funland

"Ok" Sailor Aries smiled and wrapped her arms around his neck when he started flying, afraid she might fall off. "Then why are you here Zoltan?" she asked softly. "If your not here to help I mean" she layed her head on his neck, shoulder blades area and waited for him to respond. She felt like she had known him for a long time for some strange reason and you could tell, she doesn't just lay her head down on anyone, lol.

Zoltan sighs a little, and then explains it. It was pretty straight out. "*Well, I'm only here to protect my planet, Illusion, from any danger. I just don't want it to turn out like Auta-supe-su Toshi back in 3000 B.C. So that's why I'm here. I'm trying to stop it while it's still on Earth.*" He continues flying towards the "Amusement Park", as he starts to speed up.

"Oh well I hope you succeed and protect your planet from any harm" Sailor Aries lifted her head up but keep her arms around his neck. "So is that what I saw? In my vision thing? That Auta-supie-souie Toshi or whatever place?" she asked putting her head back down because seeing the sights wasn't making her feel too safe at that height and speed. She felt very safe when her head was resting on his soft and warm body.

Mina reaches the end of the trail of footprints. She falls to the ground exhausted. She gets up.

To MINA: Luna hops over to you from seemingly nowhere. "Mina, you finally got here," Luna says happily. She jumps onto your shoulder. "Do you think you can give me a ride to the fantasy park? It's just up ahead in that direction the... er, pegasus is flying." ..."Hurry up Mina, we don't have all day," Luna says as she beckons for you to move it.

Mina nods. "K!" She runs across the street and a block down. She arrives back home. She jumps on her bike and starts pedaling as quickly as possible.

Seiya draps Meko around his shouldars and gets ready to go

Saturn looks blankly at the trees, and takes a quick glance at Luna and Mina, "Rei, I don't like leaving you here...but we have to go, please come out" She thrust her free hand forward to get Rei's hand.

Zoltan mentally smiles. "*Domo Arigatou.*" He says, a little more gentle now. "*And yes, if you saw me die you've probably seen Auta-supe-su Toshi. 'Cause that's the place I died at.*"

Sailor Aries shivered a little. "It was so awful then but now that I know you its even worse" she said in a soft voice. "That was just horrible and here I thought it was bad when I thought it was a dream... I never want anything like that to happen again anywhere, I reallly hope your able to protect your planet from that happening again" she kept her head down and she looked down at things passing below. "Eep" she lifted her head so that it was laying down but so that she couldn't see down.

To Sailor ELDA: You duck and the bullets just barely miss you. They slam into the wall behind you. When they hit the wall, the bullets explode as if they were little missiles. And you hear a loud KABOOM! The ground shakes, and some of the piles of crates are knocked over. The roof caves in at one spot. Even though there's some dust coming up you can see the girl looking at the wall and trying to find the exit. "Where do I go?" she mumbles to herself... "Why is everyone trying to kill me??" To PEGASUS & Sailor ARIES You see an explosion and a little fire in one of the buildings. To SEIYA, REI and HOTARU You hear the explosion and see smoke coming up. To MINA Luna curls her fuzzy tail and sticks it in your ear. "Hurry up Mina," she says. "They're in trouble- can't you go any faster?!"

Saturn gazes at the sky and watches plumes of smoke in the air, "Rei, We have to go, something bad is happenned... hope you decide to come" She took her hand back and grasped her glaive with both hands, running towards the hazy smoke. When she reaches Edo land, she stops short, getting a breath, "I sure hope nothing bad is happening" She murmurs.

Ka Lo coughs from all the smoke around her. "Come back," she tries to tell the girl. "We aren't here to hurt you. Where are you?" She coughs more and holds her shoulder. Now her kimono was drenched in blood all around the shoulder. She falls to her knees from all the lost of blood and struggled to keep everything she saw focused. Her breathing becomes heavier. At last she just collapses to the floor.

Zoltan, or should I say Pegasus, looks like he's about to respond to her when he sees the fire. "*Fire? FIRE?! How patheic!*" You see, he could absorb fire so he found this plain old annoying. He flies towards the building, and floats in the air about 30 feet away from it. "*Well, here we are.*"

Though Ka Lo is knocked out, she can still here everything around her. She tries to open her eyes, but her body refused to let her. 'Damn it,' she says to herself. She can hear more of the roof come down somewhere close by.

The girl with the brown hair creeps out into the open from the building's wreckage. She's not hurt. She's looking around for a place to go when she sees Sailor Saturn, Zoltan and Sailor Aries in the sky. "Wha--??" She pulls her gun out again, aiming it at Pegasus^_^. "Just how many of you are there?" she demands. "What do you want from me-- I didn't do anything wrong!!"

Saturn walks slowly towards the girl, "um.. Well I don't know about them, but I'm here by myself" She pointed at Pegasus and Aries, looking over her shoulder to check if Rei, Mina, Seiya, or Luna were behind her. She still walks closer, cautiously not loosening her Glaive, sternly "Who are you?" Saturn glanced at the gun then back at the girl's face, "Don't shoot at them!" She asks in a demanding voice just as the girl did.

Rei hears Ka Lo collapse on the floor. She rips part of her skirt and ties it around her bleeding shoulder. "You have to stay awake Ka Lo. Just trust me." Rei walks through the fire unharmed. (come on, this is her element) Rei carries Ka Lo out to safety and met up with Saturn. "Sorry it took me soo long to get here Saturn." Then she focuses on the girl.

The girl moves the focus of her gun from the flying horse to Sailor Saturn. "My name is Victoria Jackson," she responds. "Give me one good reason why I shouldn't shoot you-- when you've been trying to kill me for the past hour!" Victoria sounds really, terribly confused. You can see the confusion on her face, and tears well up her eyes, but she keeps the gun locked on you (Saturn). You get the impression that she doesn't want violence either, but.... "I'm warning you, I can defend myself!"

Pegasus looks at the girl, and his eyes red. "WHAT THE HECK?!", but he didn't say anything... Finally, after a few seconds, he finally asks Victoria something. "*It sounds as if you don't want violence. We don't either. So why are you aiming your gun like you want violence?*"

"g..Victoria, I don't know what you are talking about, honestly. I just got here, at the gate" Saturn takes one step back from Victoria, "Please don't shoot, I really don't have any idea what you are talking about me trying to kill you. I understand you must be frightened and puzzled. I don't want to hurt you Victoria, and I don't intend to" She pauses and draws a breath, "Victoria I promise I won't ask again but please put your gun down, I -all of us- don't want to hurt you" She takes her right hand off her glaive and looks at Victoria with her gentle eyes, looking as if she is saying, 'I want to be your friend, but only if you do too'

'What is that girl doing now?' Ka Lo asks herself, angry. 'All of us just got here.' She lays in Rei's arms, hoping the girl isn't going to hurt Saturn. 'I hope she stops pointing that gun around, if she is.â

'What about Elda?!' Ka Lo thinks suddenly. 'Is she okay? My vision was too blurry to see!'

Mina arrives at the park. "Now what Luna?"

Luna hops down from Mina and the bike. She observes Sailor Saturn talking with the girl, who is about the same age as her. She gets a little question-mark over her head because she's not quite sure what's happening. Victoria lets her guard down. She lowers the gun and steps closer to Sailor Saturn in a trusting manner. "I don't quite understand what's happening," she says in a small voice. "All I know is that where ever I go, all the buildings turn dark around me... and I'm being chased by two ladies in crazy outfits... One of them is kind of like yours." She wipes the tears off her face. "Do you think you guys could help me?" she asks. SUDDENLY, you hear a noise that sounds like a wall crumbling-- kind of the noise you'd expect to hear if a dinosaur were coming. The ground shakes a little as the new enemy approaches, busting through the buildings in its path. You see Victoria get hit by a giant bolt of black Chaos energy. It tosses her across the courtyard and she is unconscious within seconds. The new enemy has the head and torso of a woman, but the body of a spider beneath that [a 20-foot-tall spider]. She's wearing the purple uniform of a Crystal Senshi. She has pale skin, purple hair with pink stripes, and, if your name is Seiya you would recognize her from the last episode^_^. "What do you know, Sailor Senshi," says the evil woman. "Thanks for finding Victoria for me... What a little brat. Now, please step aside so I can continue filling her with chaos energy."...

"*Now what in the constellations did you do that for you dimwit?! I'm not stepping aside, no way.*" Pegasus lands on the ground and gently nudges Aries off of his back with his nose, so she fell off. "*I sure hope that didn't hurt you...*" Then, he sky-rocketed into the air and turned into Zoltan, and then into Sailorpegasus. Note that Sailorpegasus had pegasus wings on his back, so he could fly around. "THE DAY I LET YOU GET AWAY WITH THIS IS THE DAY I DIE!" With that, he thrusts his arms into the air, and this huge fireball appears in his hands. (It was bigger than him!) Sailorpegasus tosses it at the enemy.

*Oh great! Get Victoria!!* Rei lays Ka Lo on the ground and runs over to Victoria. She picks her up and starts running. When she believes she is far enough away, she holds Victoria with one hand and with the other performs an blinding attack. "Fire Soul Extinguish!!!" She aims the attack for the monster's eyes hoping damage will come to the demon since she believes strongly against the fact that the attack would hurt it in any way. Then she takes Victoria in both arms and continues running. *Oh I hope I can get you to safety...* Rei thinks as she runs.

"Victoria!?" Saturn gets question marks over her head, as it seems everything went by too quickly, glancing back at Rei, "Rei, Get Victoria out of here as fast as you can" She blinks, "Ka Lo!" Saturn turns back at the women, stepping in between her sight of Victoria, "You want her you witch? Get through me first!" She ignores the fireball coming at the women, but keeps a safe distance. Saturn takes her glaive and twirls it in her fingers, "Silence Wall!" *maybe that will buy some time... where are the others?*

'What's going on?!' Ka Lo thinks to herself. The vibrations, giving her a nervous feeling is what gave her enough energy to wake up. She slowly opens her eyes, as Rei lays her down. She sits up and sees the big lady. "AHHHH!" she screams, being caught off guard and scoots back further away. She quickly stands up with little strength she has. 'Oh please have this work,' she hopes. "Pink Umbrella!" The pink umbrella appears and she aims it for the ladies eyes. (This is a hypnosis attack) "Please be out for at least half a minute!" Ka Lo screams. Quickly she remembers Elda and runs back into the warehouse to try and find her. Ka Lo reaches the warehouse. "Elda?!" she yells, hoping for an answer. "Where were we last?" she asks herself out loud.

Mina pushes her bike into some bushes. "Luna?! What is this?!" She whispers. "Should I transform?"

"I think you should transform," says Luna. "Things might get a little ugly with those Crystal Senshi around.... And then, you should either join the others, or help out Sailor Mars."

"Elda?!" Ka Lo shouted again. 'She's not answering!' Ka Lo thought nervous. "Elda?" she called quieter. "Maybe she already left..." She went further in and started to search around the caved in roof. 'She must have left... Or else she would have answered... Wouldn't she?' "Hey! Are you even in here?!"

Sailorpegasus keeps his stance in the air, unsure of himself. *I really doubt any of these attacks are going to hit. But maybe... If we get some more fire, one of the attacks will be bound to hit her!* Another fireball appears in his hands and he tosses it at the Crystal Senshi once again. "MAYBE YOU CAN DODGE ONE, BUT TWO IS NEAR IMPOSSIBLE!" He states, battling smiliar enemies before. He noticed that three or four fireballs would hit them, so he grins slyly and flies to the other side of the Crystal Senshi. *Maybe if I try one from the behind...* With that, he sent another fireball flying at her back.

Just for clarification: Crystal Poison's upper half is sitting atop a spider's body, like Kisenian from the R movie, only the spider-part is much bigger. I'll assume that the blinding attacks went for the head The legs on the snake, suddenly, become longer and sharper. When you look again, you see that all eight of them are shaped like scimitars. A fireball comes flying at her from up above. "Don't make me laugh," she shouts at Pegasus haughtily. She lifts up one of the giant swords in front of her to block the attack. The fireball bursts without hurting her. Since she has multiple arms, she has no problem blocking your simultaneous attacks. "For your information, I'm Crystal Poison- the most powerful warrior from the future Empire, and no one escapes from my web!" as she says this, she shoots a gob of crap at you... Sailor Saturn performs her Silence-Wall attack. Crystal Poison frowns Before she can judge the effectiveness of this defense, Sailor Mars' blinding attack, as well as Ka Lo's pink umbrella come flying at her. Each attack hits her in turn, although it doesn't look like she was particularly trying to dodge them. You see her go blind and her eyes roll up in her head. "Sailor senshi, don't you know I'm more powerful than all of you??..." You hear her voice even though her lips aren't moving. The spider's body sprouts two additional eyes from its head (where her stomach should be). She laughs in a high-pitched voice. The demon-lady approaches Sailor Saturn and the protective wall. "HIYAA!!" she yells, as she thrusts one of the front sword-legs down into the ground in front of Sailor Saturn. The attack is so mighty that it creates a LARGE crater in between Saturn and Poison. At the bottom of the crater is a pool of fresh poison. The ground everywhere starts crumbling into the crater. Sailor Saturn's balance is tipped over. To PEGASUS: The enemy has just dropped a pile of an annoyingly sticky substance on your head, most likely trying to tangle up your wings. To SEIYA, MINA, and ARIES: The ground is caving in towards a pool of a poisonous substance. It's not as deadly as lava but it seems caustic just the same... like diluted acid. The monster can stand in it with no problem, but you feel discouraged to do the same^_^ It won't kill you, but it'll suck. To SATURN: You're starting to fall. CP must be assuming that you need a certain level of concentration to maintain the wall, and is trying to break that by making you fall. To MARS: You reach a small clearing that seems pretty safe to you. There are some twisty, Japanese-style trees here, as well as a small stream. It would be serene, but you can still hear the noise of battle. Victoria is out cold. There are small buildings on both sides of the clearing. They all look the same. There is a larger building, like a palace, not far behind them. Ahead on the path there is a bridge that crosses over the stream, and some stalls for selling trinkets.

Sailor Aries pulls herself up and looks up at Sailorpegasus. "Oh no" she sees a icky substane on his head. "I hope hes ok..." she mumbled then looked down and saw the ground crubling and a bubbling liquid pool was the source of this. "Damn... that doesn't look good...." she ran and climbed up a tree but it really wouldnt help for too long. "If I olny could fly this wouldnt be a problem" she laughed.

*She thinks she's more powerful than me? I'm an angel! And also, as Crystal Healer I can blow this universe to shreads! She'll be sorry...* Sailorpegasus makes his wings disappear, but mumbles something to himself. His wings weren't gone, actually, just smaller and invisible. "Nice try." Sailorpegasus flies off, in Sailormars's direction. *I can wake up that little girl, I believe. Maybe she can help us."

Saturn feels like she's lost her equilibrium as she tries to keep her balance, "You can't stop me that easily" She tries to sound braver than she really is, *anybody free at the moment to lend a hand?* That second Saturn's right foot slips on the edge of the crater, but barely stops herself with her glaive, as she does this the wall seems to weaken a little bit.

Seiya starts backing up with meko behind him. "what to do what to do.." seiya muttered

Mina bites her lip. "VENUS CRYSTAL POWER!!!!" Sailor Venus stands there confused. "ACK!!! What is that stuff?!" She tries to shoot at it. "VENUS! LOVE AND BEAUTY SHOCK!!!!!!"

Ka Lo looks back and sees everyone in danger. 'Should I help or go back?' she asks herself. 'No, find Elda and you can help together. Two heads are better than one... I think.' She steps further in the building. 'I hope everyone will be okay.' "Elda?" she calls still trying to get an answer.

"Ha ha, you Sailor soldiers are such wimps." says Crystal Poison. She approaches the Silence Wall, her insect-legs going *clink* *clink* against the floor as she moves. She sticks one of her claws in the Silence Wall and gets electrified Oww To VENUS: You throw a spinning love-shock into the approaching ooze. The poison bubbles up and then shrinks away from you as if it was a living entity. It doesn't like you anymore^_^ Luna hides behind you^_^ To SATURN, ARIES, and STARFIGHTER: Okay, the crater stops caving in once it reaches a certain diameter (I mean, how long can the ground cave-in for?). However, the ground is still all broken and churned-up because the enemy made such a big mess, and the big puddle of poison is still there. The enemy gets really mad. She picks up Sailor Saturn in her claws(ow) and starts shaking her. PEGASUS, you have no problem finding Rei & Victoria. You are pretty fast after all. To MARS and PEGASUS: You sense another presence close by. At the other end of the clearing you see a little lady. She is dressed in a regular pink kimono but has a strong aura of magic around her. You can clearly sense that she isn't as powerful as Crystal Poison-- probably a lackey or something. You see her twirling a baton. "Good day, Sailors," she says to Sailor Mars. "You won't get one step past this point. I am Takashi, and I have orders to stop you until Crystal Poison gets here."

seiyas head mic appears. "FIGHTER STAR POWER!" transforms. "HEY CREAP FACE! By the light of the star I am Sailor Star Fighter and in the name of the stars you will pay! STAR SEROUS LASER!!" fires at the enemy

The Senshi of the constellation Pegasus got his unusual, evil-like sly grin. "I hate to say this, but I doubt you will succeed." He takes a stance in front of Mars and Victoria, not intending to defend Mars once-so-ever. "I am Senshi Pegasus, holder of the Golden Sword and Golden Crystal, and also I can access white magic. Just the opposite of what you possess." With that, he puts his hands into a praying like postion for a moment, and then spreds his hands and arms apart. This about 3 foot golden-colored sword appeared, and he gripped onto it. "In the name of the constellations, in the name of white magic, and in the name of light, I will make sure you will breathe your last breath today." Pegasus jumps into the air, his wings now back to their normal size and visible once again.

Venus smiles as the ooze thing backs away. "What now Luna?"

Saturn winces in pain as she is shaken around with the horrid claws, "you ...stupid...thing!" She took her glaive and pointed it as best she can at Crystal Poison with the shaking. She shut her eyes tight, not part of an attack, just because she couldn't stand the constant moving. Saturn's symbol started to emit a stronger indigo glow, "LET GO OF ME DAMN IT!" Right then the glow turned into a bright beam and shot out at Crystal Poison. Saturn started to feel dizzy as her circulation was slowing from the grip of the monster.

"STAR SERIOUS LASER!!" Crystal Poison wasn't ready for this one because she was too busy being mean to Hotaru. The laser beam cuts across the sky and nails her right in the face. You hear her grunt in pain, but it's not enough to slow her down. But she nearly drops Sailor Saturn. A strange light shines from Sailor Saturn's symbol. There's an explosion and you see the claw that was holding Sailor Saturn get blown clean off. Crystal Poison shrieks as something happens to her body and the power seems to drain from it. Her arachnoid lower half starts to fall apart at the joints. "Why you litte...!" she curses as her 20 ft. body melts away and she falls. She lands on the ground. "Get her!" Luna yells^.^ But before anyone can do something, Poison makes a run for it through the Silence Wall which has finally dispersed. She heads off in the direction Sailor Mars had gone. "Now to get to the girl..." While she passes through an alley CP passes through an alley, she stops for a moment and turns around. "They'll think twice before following me--" she thinks as a faint bluish light glows from her hands. A slick substance appears on the ground. In effect, she makes the ground there so slippery that it starts glowing like glass. Before continuing her chase, she hangs back a minute to see if anyone is following her. To SAILOR VENUS: "Sailor Venus, I'm going to go check on Ka Lo and Elda. Don't get separated from StarFighter and Sailor Saturn!" Luna says this and drops off your shoulder. She enters the warehouse where Ka Lo is. To KA LO: You hear Luna calling your name. "Sailor Ka Lo! Why are you still in here? Where's Sailor Elda?" she asks. To PEGASUS: Takashi turns to face you in the sky. "I accept your challenge," she says in a peaceful tone. She floats off the ground a few inches. You see her hair flying as if gravity does not affect her whatsoever. "May your passage go well in the afterlife," she continues, as she folds out her baton into a little fan. The fan is red and is covered with exotic animal prints. When she swings her fan in an arc, it forms a curved blade that shoots out in your direction. Even while her movements are smooth and graceful like music, she is able to send six or seven blades in your direction with deadly speed. Just to be mean, she then sends three or four at Sailor Mars (and Victoria) as well. Apparently, she doesn't care whether Victoria dies or not

Sailor Aries hopped down from the tree she had perched herself on and shook her head. "He can take care of himself, you need to help the others out" she looked around. "Hotaru!" she exclaimed. She didn't care about Sailor Mars so she just went over to help the girl. "Are you ok?" she asked Hotaru kneeling down.

Saturn falls on the ground, mumbling"lousy witch" "I'm fine" her eye's grew wide as she saw Crystal Poison running toward Victoria and the sleek, slippery looking ground, "GET VICTORIA AND CRYSTAL POISON!" Saturn was too tired herself to do another attack. She literally jumped up to follow her but swiftly tumbled down on her face, "maybe running is not a good idea at all" Saturn sat up best she could to get off her face, pouting "we can't just let her get away" A small smirk came on her face as she started 'sliding' on the material, sliping this way and that, 'bad idea'.

She goes over to Star Fighter. She trips on her way. "Star Fighter!!!! ACKK!!!!!!" She falls on her face.

*Afterlife? Afterlife my butt, I have a friend that is a major ruler over the underworld, thank you, and I believe he can bring me back to life.* Senshi Pegasus thought, a little ticked off by her "stupid" remark. He flies further into the air, and then does his famous little flips, in the air, that he's famous for to the Constellation Senshi. This was quite a patheic way to dodge, to him anyhow. *Ok, that's it!* "LIGHT OF FIRE!!!!" A beam of fire emitted from his jewel, and feathers surrounded it. *Weak power, so what?* He sent it at the blades, that were coming at him at what he thought was a natural speed. Senshi Pegasus was very fast when he wished to be, since he was like an acrobat that had major powers, was ok at the piano, and was a total brain. He was just being plain ol' lazy right now. He notices a few blades coming towards Victoria and Mars. Beng who he was, he didn't care one bit about Mars, but did care about Victoria. *Hmmmmmmmm...* "LIGHT OF FIRE!!!!" He sends another blast towards those other blades, and then acts like a whimp and flies onto a cloud.

Elda coughed a bit because of the dust the collapsed roof had made. "Uuugh.." She moaned and held her head which had a small trickle of blood running down it. "This day just keeps getting better and better." Elda growled sarcasticly. She was walking/limping slightly around the corner of a building and was leaning against it when she heard someone say her name. 'What? -' "-Hello..? Ari-chan! Ka Lo?!" She called.

Finally Ka lo saw Elda. She rushed over, "Are you okay?" she looked at the blood dripping from her side.

To Sailor Pegasus: You send fire at the blades and they burn easily as if they were made out of paper. (Well they were, they came from her fan^_^.) Victoria starts to wake up. She opens her eyes a little. "Eeek!!" she screeches as soon as she sees Sailor Mars touching her. She wriggles out of Mars' grasp and points the gun at her. "Get away!" she yells. "I won't let you strange people-- do whatever it is you want to do!!!" Before Sailor Mars could respond she turns around and runs away. She quickly disappears into the buildings' shadows. "This isn't good," mutters the Oriental girl(Takashi). Her presence begins to fade. "It's not over yet Sailor Senshi-- It's unlikely you'll catch her before we do..." Before Takashi teleports away she casts a final look at Pegasus- trying to figure out exactly who he is, one last time.

Sailor Mars thinks, *Well thats great....* She starts running in the direction that Victoria took.

Luna sighs in relief when she sees that Sailor Elda is ok. "Everything's going to be all right," she says to her reassuringly. Luna pulls out her communicator and flips it open. She sends out a group message. "Attention all Sailor Warriors! Let's regroup immediately!"

Elda gave Ka Lo a half smile. "Yeah, I'm fine Ka Lo..Its just... A little scrape." She looked down at Luna. "Well, it damn well better be." She said, striaghtening up her posture a bit because she had been slumped over.

Here's the bad news, Pegasus didn't have a communicator, well, the type the Sol Senshi use. It was different, and had a different opperating system. He looks at where Takashi vanished. "We'll just see about that, you little oriental witch. I've smashed people's bones, and I can run at about the speed of light!" The senshi dared, marching off. May it be noted he wasn't heading towards the others.

Sailor Aries saw Elda and Ka Lo and breathed in a sigh of relief. She ran over. "Oh hey Elda you ok?" she looked around. "Where is everyone anyway?" she asked Luna. She was secretly worried about Sailorpegasus but didn't say anything about it. She put her hands on her hips and waited for an answer and maybe someone would give her something to do. She hated just standing there and not doing anything, she felt like kicking some bad guy butt.

Saturn listened to Luna and tossed her head around peering in every corner to find the rest, at sight she ran over to them. "Luna, What is it?" She started breathing a little bit hard.

"I'm okay Ari-chan." Elda said. Obviously hiding the fact that she wasnt really okay.

Rei hears her communicator beeping and stops. *Oh great...let's see..* She uses her psychic abilities to find the others. She runs over to them. "Hey Luna! Is everyone okay?" She looks at Elda and Ka Lo worriedly.

Takashi materializes somewhere in the multitude of shadows covering Edo FunLand. She gets a mind-message from Crystal Poison. "Someone's following you," CP tells her. "Take care of him now." "But the girl?" Takashi responds. "I have her trapped," CP says. Takashi nods. -------------------------- To PEGASUS: You hear a noise... a rumbling noise. The sand on the ground starts flying around as a fierce wind picks up. Within moments, the winds have escalated into a full-blown whirlwind, and you are in the center of it. You can barely see in front of you because the sand is everywhere. You can catch glimpses of figures moving through the tornado but they're jumping around and it's so hard to see. Basically there is a team of ninjas dodging in and out of the winds... They are the same color as the tornado. Their mode of attack is to jump out of the chaos, strike, and then disappear again. One of them lands right behind you and wraps his arms under your neck, while he also takes hold of your hands. (he has four arms ). While you're held in place, you see a second ninja jump high into the air, and start coming down to stab you with all four of his swords. To EVERYONE ELSE: Luna watches Sailor Mars enter, and smiles. "I just wanted to make sure everyone was here because we can't beat them unless we're together," Luna explains. "Sailor Mars, where did the bad guys go off to? We're ready for them now," says the cat-- however, her voice is soon drowned out by the noise of a whirlwind. She looks up and sees the cyclone happening full-blast a couple hundred feet ahead. "On second thought, let's just go towards that racket," says Luna, as she starts heading over there. "...Oh yeah, and don't go that way," she says, referring to the slick alleyway that CP made earlier^_^

Pegasus wasn't too surprised, apparently. *I'm immortal, how can they kill me? These guys ain't that powerful.* He lifts his leg, and then shoots it backwards, right into the ninja's butt. *I wonder if that'll make him let go.*

Venus walks over to the noise. She stops. "Here, now what Luna?"

To Sailor Venus: Now I attack you! The tornado expands so that now you are inside it as well... It's hard to see from the sand whipping everywhere, but you can tell that there are people moving around through it. You could hardly tell which direction you're facing. A ninja's hand comes up from the ground right where you are standing. It grabs your ankle and makes you fall right on your face. When you look up again, you can see yet another ninja standing over you and about to stab you with his four swords Luna backs up so she doesn't get caught in the whirlwind like you did^_^. P.S. The ninja could see up your skirt since it's flying in the wind To Pegasus: The ninja lets go of you and the second one in the air misses his attack. All he managed to get was a little cut on your arm-- and he moves back into the winds before you could retaliate. The ninjas try again to incapacitate you. From one side, one of the ninjas throws a chain, and it wraps around your arm. The ninja on the other end of it seems to have superhuman strength, and he's trying to pull you in his direction. A second chain comes spiralling at you and it clasps your other arm, and a third one around your waist. After that, they all begin pulling you in different directions, and you could feel the chains start to bite into your skin.

Elda gripped her fist around her staff and started walking - forcing herself not to limp. She was walking next to Luna when Mina popped up and then the whirle wind came and she jumped back with her(Luna)."What the..?! ARGH! Just what we need." Elda was extremely pissed now that she was hurt. "Alright! I'm not takin' ANYmore shit!" With that she jumped into the whirle wind - landing behind the ninjas and swinging her leg down and latching onto the ninjas leg - trying to knock him over before he could hurt Mina.

Ka Lo walks with Luna, Elda, and Venus. Her shoulder was acking and you could tell by her face. She holds her shoulder and could feel some blood sticking to her hand, since all the blood went through Mar's skirt strip. "Whoa!" Ka Lo watches the whirlwind appear. She jumps back and tries to see inside, but it was too thick. "Venus?!?"

*Now what are they doing?* The Senshi of Pegasus thought, ignoring the strange feeling those chains gave him. His two hands bawled into fists, and both became surrounded by fire. His whole body seems to have a little bit of a glow to it. As the chains sunk deeper, some black liquid drips down his arm. Again, Pegasus ignores it... Well, at least the pain. *Darn it, I forgot to disguse my blood color!!! This'll certainly give away that I am an Illusionist, unless these guys are more baka than I thought.*

Aries stumbles confused behind Elda, Venus and Ka Lo. She sighed and had a feeling someone was hurt. It was the weirdest feeling she had ever gotten and seemed to pang her heart. *I sure hope this feeling isnt that Sailorpegauss is hurt, he has to protect his planet from all that awful happening and he sure can't do that dead or hurt. And besides I felt a connection to him, like we were old friends for some strange reason and I dont want a friend to be hurt.* that reminded her of Eldas being hurt and she finally noticed the strange whirlwind. "Uh..." she mumbled not knowing what to do. she saw Elda attack and dodn't really care if Venus got hurt but cared if Elda did. "I'll helpyou" she announced chraging her way through the whirlwind even though she didn't know if she would be able to get through or not.

"Elda!" Ka Lo shouted as she saw her run in. Quickly she was followed by Aries. "Hey!" She runs in too, still holding her shoulder. Suddenly she noticed her necklace she was wearing broke and fell off. Ka Lo gasped and watched it fall near the ninja's feet. "No!" she jumped for it quickly. *Don't touch it!* she cried silently. *I need it!*

Luna peeks out of the little hole she's hiding in. "Venus! Elda! Ka Lo! Aries!" she yells when she sees everyone disappear into the whirlwind^_^. Luna happens to glance up, where she sees an Oriental witch standing on a rooftop, and observing the battle. There is a slight glow around her body and she is pulling threads tied to each one of her fingers. "Hey you guys! She's up there, and controlling everything!" Luna shouts, but she doesn't know if anyone in the cyclone can hear her!^_^ To ELDA, VENUS, and ARIES: Sailor Elda's sweep-attack knocks the guy over so he nearly catapults right into Sailor Venus. But he rolls in the air and hops back to his feet. Then he's gone(he went back into the whirlwind). The other ninja who was coming out of the ground behind Sailor Venus finishes coming out of the ground. He jumps high into the sky, and sort of hovers there for a moment, defying gravity. From that stance he starts firing shuriken(ninja stars) down at all three of you!! To Sailor PEGASUS: Oh no, you're still in the same position you were last time! However, Takashi notices that you're not the person you appear to be. She forms a circle with her hands. When she looks through her hands, she can see that you're an angel or something. She analyzes what she sees and tries to figure out what your weakness is. (in other words you might have to fill in the next part, Helios, if you want^_^) To KA LO: Your necklace moves around in the wind and it's kicked up in the dirt when the ninjas move around. It's going too fast and it keeps escaping from you. Just when you think you nearly have it, your necklace is sucked into the ground! The next time you sense it, it is high above you! The necklace pops up in Takashi's hand. "Oh, this is interesting," she mutters.

Pegasus was starting to steam, and his eyes flashed pure white. *Ok, this is just getting annoying. Good thing she can't get to my weakness without spliting me apart... It's a darn good thing me and Elios don't seperate often. I still hate pitch darkness though, but I've got my Golden Sword to light up this place. I'm used to loud noises too, and harsh feelings. I shouldn't have to much of a problem.* He shouts in some kind of weird language, and then glows white and orange. The white and orange started surrounding his hands, arms, and then his whole body. Eventually, tthe chians probably started to glow too.

Venus screams. "ACK!!! WHAAT THE HECK?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!" Venus tries to block the shruikens, but after three hit her, she falls down again. She gets back up dodging a shruiken. She smiles, thinking of an idea. She points towards some shruikens. "Venus Crescent Beam Smash!!!"

"Stop moving!" Ka Lo shouted. "I need you!" She watches as it shoots up. She struggles to see where it went and can see it shining lightly outside.

A shruiken flies at Sailor aries, imbedding itself in her upper right arm. "Damnit! now look what you did!" she growled not bothering to take it out. "Aries Zodiac Star Explosion!" she aimed the attack at the shruikens flying her way.

*Where did it go?!* Ka Lo wondered nervous. *It is the only thing keeping me alive after all that has happened.* She tries to see it, but now it is completely gone from sight. *I have to get out of here and find it...*

Elda growleds and catches the star angrily in her fists - only cutting her slightly. "DIE!" She screamed and jumped at the ninja with a flying kick.

*I need my necklace,* Ka Lo thought nervously. *It holds my life within it, and it is my only hope in finding that power needed to recreate my planet.* She looks around at everyone fighting. *I forgot where I was for a second. I should help.* "Star Dash Break!" Ka Lo shouted, aiming the crash of energy towards the ninja.

To Sailor Pegasus: You break free. The chain-links drop to the dirt, still bright-orange and smouldering. The ninjas who were holding you down fly back from the inertia To Sailor Venus, Aries, Elda, and Ka Lo: "Venus Crescent Beam Smash!!!" Venus's attack hits the fool square in the torso and sends him spinning through midair. "Aries Zodiac Star Explosion!!" Sailor Aries' wonderful attack bursts through the flying hail of shurikens, and hits the ninja in the shoulder, killing him, and causing a large gush of spirit-blood to emanate out of his chest where two of his arms fell off. Sailor Elda flips into the equation with the finishing touch, and further mutilates what is left of the ninja in a high-flying dance of death. He's gone^_^. Sailor Ka Lo's attack bursts forth as well, however, the wind seems to take it and it goes off in some random direction and doesn't hurt anybody To Everyone: It appears as though everyone is safe. "Rotten Sailor sluts! This isn't working!" Takashi curses. She gets rid of the tornado. And the ninjas. The return to the darkness and silence of the fantasy-land stuns you momentarily. You forgot just how dark it was. On a roof top, you see Takashi glimmering like the moon (with Ka Lo's necklace around her wrist). "Very admirable, Sailors," she comments, "but can you dodge this?!" She moves her hands in another magical chant. It's a powerful one, and you can see her start to get exhausted. You hear a pattering noise in the distance, accompanied by a dust cloud. People are coming towards you. At first, it sounds like a ton of people.... And then, you realize that it is ten or twelve samurai on horseback advancing at full speed. From Takashi's tone of voice, it's pretty evident that the samurai aren't coming to fight you, they just want to run you over. The horses are huge and they have serious trampling-power. You can't run to duck side because there is a sheer wall on either side of the path (Takashi just fused the buildings together!). They're coming fast! What now? If it helps at all- the horsemen are coming at you in three rows, of four horses each :)

SailorPegasus tries to think of some way to get out of this mess. Note that his eyes are still pure white, with no pupils. *I've got these wings, those have got to do me some good. Maybe I can morph back into Pegasus, and then fly over them, and get Aries out of here. But, how can I be so sure? Wait a minute, they can't reach the heavens! That's it!!! I'm an angel, they aren't!!! As easy as ABC.* Pegasus's Golden Sword appears once again, and he puts it up in defense. Then he runs over to Aries. Not giving her anytime to say anything, he grabs her hand and starts flying upwards. *If this works, they won't get us. Too bad for them others!* His eyes seem to be glowing, literally. He was in complete white robes within a few seconds. *If I just tap into what I turned into when I died in my past life, the Healing Angel, I don't think I'll have any problems here. And I could probably just heal them if they get trampled.*

After kicking the ninja in mid-air Elda landed on the ground safely(before the samurai's..). "Huh?" She looked as the samurai's on horseback flew towards her and the others. "What the hell?!" Elda gripped her side in pain. 'Ugh, damnit all, this is NOT good!' She thought to herself. 'I'm too weak to try and kill them. And I cant run and get away in time.' She clenched her fists. "My best bet would be to just try to distroy them and help the others." She stated out loud, taking a deep breath and concentrating her energy to one point.

Venus does a backflip and lands on the ground. She doesn't even notice that the samurais are coming. "YAY!! We did it!!!" She turns around. "What the???????????" She screams and starts running for her life.

Saturn blinks, not quite sure what happened at all, the only thing she knew was that these crazy looking samurai are charging at them. "Elda?" She whispers taking a quick glance at her, backing up and walking side to side she realized they couldn't run from the gargantual looking horses. "What to do..." Saturn backed up and just stared at the rows of samurai, her glaive started glowing very faintly.

Sailor Aries gladly wraps her arms around SailorPegasus's waist, grateful to get away. "Thank you" she muttered not thinking about her friends for the moment. Then she loooked down and saw her friend Elda standing there hurt and couldn't believe herself. "I trust you that you can heal them, but they are suffering and fighting, I can't just fly up with you and do nothing. I have to help them, maybe we can destory them and no one will be hurt, please put me back down. I know that you don't like the Sol sneshi for what their ancestprs did to you in the past and I'm not too thrilled with them for it either I want to help elda, shes my friend" she told him calmly her voice slightly demmanding and strong. She wanted to help her friend so bad, but she also wanted to stay there with him and be safe. *No I have to help them I wont sit by and watch them fight* "Now please" she whispered to him, as she said that she remembered the shruiken in her arm and used a hand to pull it out in an akward way, since her arms were wrapped around Sailorpegasus it was kind of hard to do so.

"Whoops," Ka Lo said her herself, as she watched her attack be blown away. Suddenly she watches the horses come towards her and soon after hear Elda's remark of what to do. "No, Elda," Ka Lo argued. "You are too hurt! You can't fight by yourself!" Her face looks distressed, thinking of what was happening. *Why did I ever agree to help fight?* she wondered. *It was hard enough accepting the fact that the Sol Senshi's are not the same as their ancestors, but now I'm fighting beside them and getting in all sorts of trouble. I could be searching for that power.* Ka Lo looks over at Saturn. "Maybe we should go," she says finally. *Mostly because I need to find my necklace. Until I have it I won't be of much help at all. Elda surely needs some. Sheâs too hurt.*

Luna runs after Sailor Venus. "SAILOR VENUS!!" Luna jumps up and grabs ahold of her butt. "Don't run away! You're a Sailor Senshi remember?!?" Luna says to you while hanging on for dear life. She jumps onto your(Venus') head and tries to turn it up towards Takashi. "Just shoot her, and you'll be okay!!" Luna suggests :D

Saturn gets a tad annoyed and turnz her eyes towards Elda, "Elda! don't do this, and don't even think of asking me to run with my friend just trying to do everything by herself when you're hurt!" She looks at Ka Lo her glaive still emitting a faint glow, "Go where?"

"Sorry, Saturn. But I dont want any of you guys gettin' hurt you're selfs.. Just go with Ka Lo, please!" Elda said and jumped onto another roof - going closer to the samurai's.

To Sailor Elda: You have no problem landing on the roof. The shuriken you threw at them sticks in the horses' hides but it doesn't seem to have any effect at all. They're tough horses! Your black-hole attack smashes into the samurai and seriously messes with them. Their images start breaking up, even while they're still running. You knocked out the first row of samurai soldiers. The other two rows jump over their partially disentegrated fellows and continue charging at you.

Pegasus had quite a funny attitude. "Well, suit yourself." He takes her hands off of him and literally leaves her, in the air. With that, he continues flying upwards, not caring too much about anyone. His eyes had a tinge of red in them... Some shade of rose red...

"Damnit Zoltan what was that for?" Sailor Aries hissed literally plumeting to the ground. "I just wanted to help my friend geez!" her eyes flashed a strange color and she felt funny as she fell. *Oh please don't let me fall....* she said to herself. *Why did he do that? I thought he was my friend...*

Elda continued to jump across the roof tops. Getting closer and getting out of hearing distance. She was bleeding worse now, and she was limping again. 'Maybe I can blind them and set them off course. She thought. "ATMOSPHEHRE-!" Elda screamed, turning the air into misty black fog.

"Come on Saturn," Ka Lo said quietly. "I don't think she will agree to come. She seems to being well so far." She manages a bitter-sweet smile. "Maybe we can still help Pegasus or Aries. I saw them leave together..."

Venus stops for a minute. "ATTACK WHO?! The oncoming killer samurais, or what?"

Luna's fur bristles up in frustration. She covers up her face^_^"I never thought this would be so hard!" Luna walks across Venus' shoulder and gets under her neck (you know cats can do that) so that she's forced to look up, straight at Takashi. "Shoot HER," Luna tells Sailor Venus. "If you shoot her, then the samurai will go away, and then you won't be squished. If you still don't know what to do, Just point your fingers there, and say, 'Venus Love and Beauty Shock....'"

Ka Lo gently nudges Saturn out. "We better go. I think Luna shouted something to us earlier outside. Besides, if I don't find my necklace I won't be able to help at all." She looks up at Elda. She sighs and tries to continue. "If she thinks this is best, we should just respect that and go. She really wants us too." She notices that for a second before Elda disappeared she was beginning to limp again. Her face becomes more serious. *Maybe we shouldn't leave after all* she thinks to herself.

Elda hopped across the roofs. 'I hope that worked..' She thought. 'Now I've just gotta try and finish them up while I still can.' She then jumped down onto the ground but she was so weak that her legs gave out when she landed and she ended up falling onto her side. "Urgh. Ow!" Elda winced in pain as she scraped against her side.

Saturn almost gave in before seeing Elda drop, "ELDA!" Turning to Ka Lo her face looked confused, "Ka lo, I know your necklace is important but we have to help Elda before she is trampled by those two part monster samurai!" Saturn struck her glaive forward aiming at the front row of Samurai, a little ticked off "Silence Glaive Surprise!" She jumped towards Elda trying to see if she was okay.

Elda grimnced and stood up holding her side. "Stupid bitch! You're gonna pay for this.." She growled and held her staff out infront of her. The rings on the side lifting, the sphere on the inside glowed also. "Black.." Elda whispered as black threds of powerful energy shot out from the sphere. "RHAPSODY!" The black energy flowed around her then shot out at the samurai.

Well, the trick was, while Zoltan was in his angel form, he couldn't go back down to the ground. He didn't belong there anymore. "GOMEN ARIES, I CAN'T GET DOWN!" He screams at her, while continuing upwards. *Darn it, when will this stop? I only ment to go up a few miles, not all the way to the heavens... Or am I being sent to those gates again?* With that, Zoltan's eyes turned firey rose red.

"ATMOSPHERE!" A black misty fog envelops the entire area. The horsemen continue advancing along their intended path. Now you can only tell where they are by the sound they make. "Silence Glaive Surprise!" "Black... RHAPSODY!" Saturn and Elda's two attacks come off at the same time and create a smashing effect that no one could have forseen. There is a large explosion that obliterates both rows of enemies, as well as carving out a sizeable hole into the nearby buildings and the ground. Just before they burn up, you can see the samurai turn into supernatural dust (as they say, "moondust" {grin}) Your ears are ringing from the effect of the attack for several seconds afterward. Takashi almost loses her balance when the building she's standing on gets partially smashed-up. However, she's too tired to make another attack. "Sailor Scouts, this isn't over yet..." she whispers as she fades away. ...Sailor Aries keeps falling because there's nothing in her way to stop her. She falls down and lands in a tree! Crunch! It's a big tree. To everyone except Zoltan and Aries: All is silent after that. The dust settles and you have the opportunity to catch your breath. To Sailor Aries: You are in a tree, surrounded by broken branches.

Zoltan's attempts to stop himself finally work, and he lands on a very high cloud. It was about 100 miles from the ground. That's one lloonngg drop! He looks down. Everything looked like specks, and the senshi, nor any other people, were really visible at all. "Now I've really made myself invisible. Why did I get myself up here?" His voice was rather dull sounding. "I'm not going back down there." Zoltan lifts his head and looks around, swinging his feet, which were hanging off the edge of the cloud. His Golden Sword appears next to him and floats there. "They can take care of it." He states, taking the Golden Sword and spinning it around. Since he was double-jointed, his legs were crossed in a strange way. One was over the other, and it was not Indian style. "I think I should just go back to Illusion. That would be a smart idea... IF I CAN EVER GET DOWN!!!!!"

Sailor Aries winced as she heard loud cracks and a felt a surging pain as she landed on the tree. She instantly detransformed into Kiki and breathed heavily. she had never felt so much pain in her entire life, her whole body felt like it was broken. "No...." she muttered. "I can't just lie here.... have to get up and help friends...." she had landed on branches which now barely kept her up. She grabbed onto 2 branches, one in each hand and supported herself as best she could. "How am I going to get down?" she wondered and closed her eyes. She felt weak and helpless. "I think I should just fall out, I can't get any more hurt then I already am" she told herself and let go of the braches and let herself fall to the ground with a thud. "Well that worked" she growled trying to stand up but with many failed attempts.

"Got'cha!" Elda grinned and colasped onto the ground breathing heavily. In a moment she was thrown back by the blast of it. "Unngh.." She moaned and lay there on the ground motionless.

"Elda!" Ka Lo calls and runs over, now finally realizing her real danger. She looks her over concerned. 'If only I had my necklace I could use it to help her,' she thought angry. 'Now I could just fall at anytime...' She tires to stand up, but just as she does it her legs give way and she falls back down. 'Oops,' Ka Lo thinks to herself. 'Forgot I was hurt too.' She winces holding her shoulder again. "Stupid little girl," she mumbles.

Luna hops over to Sailor Elda. "Are you okay, Sailor Elda?" she asks, licking her.

Saturn was tossed back in the explosion but seemed to be okay except for scratches here and there, "Elda, Ka Lo??" She runs over to Elda, not because she didn't care about Ka Lo but because she felt Elda was in worse condition. Sitting next to Luna she sets down her glaive, "Elda? Elda are you okay?" Her heart races in the fact that her friend is hurt badly.

Luna looks up to Saturn next to her. "Sailor Saturn, do you think you can use your healing power on her?"

Ka Lo slowly gets to her knees and crawls closer to Elda. "Could you?" she asks Saturn with hope. She feels very weak after all the energy she used up. 'I wonder if my necklace was destroyed already, and I'm slowly and painfully dying...' She coughs and looks over Elda more. "I think I will just...Lay here a second..." she goes to her back and just laid looking up at the sky. She coughs again and before she knows what she is doing her eyes are closed and she is unconscious from the blood loss age:(

Saturn looks at Ka Lo then at Elda both laying on the ground, "I guess I could give it a try" She sirs up and waves her hands over Elda, saying "Saturn evolution rebirth" a shadowy purple aura starts surrounding Elda. She looks very concentrated and the same aura surrounding Elda grows on her hands.

To Sailor Elda: You feel a warmth inside your heart. It feels very nice. You feel warmest in thoses places where there was pain before. You feel someone pulling you out of unconsciousness. When you come to, your wounds are closed. You are still a little fatigued, but even that is getting better every second Sailor Saturn is near you. To everyone else: "Good," Luna says happily^_^. She turns to Sailor Saturn and Sailor Venus. "Between the two of you, you can probably figure out a way to revive Ka Lo..." Luna hops over to where Sailor Aries crashed down. "Sailor Aries? Are you alive?" she asks nicely. She snuggles up next to Sailor Aries hoping her body warmth and kawaiiness would help Sailor Aries feel better. "Where did Pegasus go?" she asks politely. She wonders if Aries had done anything to make Pegasus angry. Secretly, Luna was also wondering where Pegasus went because she knew that Pegasus also had a healing power...

Kiki almost cried. "I don't know...." she said to Luna hardly able to speak. "I don't know why he did that to me....I only wanted to help... I dont think he meant to, he seemed a little funny right then but.. who knows..." she sighed deciding to give up even trying to stand up and colapsed back on her back. "Is everyone else ok?" she asked wiping blood off of her arms.

Zoltan did infact have a healing power, and when he was on full charge like he was now, it could work wonders! But he didn't care to help. Infact, he felt like shooting himself. "DANG IT LET ME DOWN!!!" He pounded his fist on the cloud. "I LIKE HEIGHTS, DON'T GET ME WRONG, BUT THIS JUST STINKS!!! I WANNA' GO BACK TO ILLUSION!!!!" Zoltan started to complain, and whine, and complain, and while, and well, you get the point.

Elda moaned and opened her eyes. Her vision was kinda of blurry. "Wha.." She looked over and saw Ka Lo next to her hurt. "Ka Lo?..You okay?" She asked a bit worried.

Saturn felt a dizzy from using her healing power, but was happy that Elda was okay. Turning her eyes on Ka Lo another worried expression appeared on her face, "She was saying something about a necklace - that if she didn't have it she would be helpless or something like that" She said wondering if anyone had a clue what that was about.

Luna responds to Kiki. "Some of the others were worn out from the battle," she explains to her. "Everyone's just a little beat-up... I hope everyone will be ok. But I think if we all stick together, then things will be all right." She points in the direction where the others are so that Kiki can see them. There's a sudden crash of lightning from the skies above. It catches everyone's attention. It seemed to have come from the tall, ancient tower in the center of the fantasy-park. (It's not really ancient of course, since it's a replica.) You look up at the tower and see a hologram of Crystal Poison. She looks unhurt and has that haughty smile on her face like always. "What do you think you're doing, Sailor losers?" The hologram says to you. "I can't believe you let yourselves get beat up by an underling like Takashi- it just boggles the mind." she laughs and tosses her hair behind her. "Anyway, I've got Victoria, who I'm going to turn into a portal to the Chaos realm.. I figured you Sailor Senshi would get a little upset, so what do you say we have a little showdown to decide the girl's fate. If you can handle it, that is.... Get over here to the tower if you want a real battle." Crystal Poison laughs the most high-pitched laugh she's ever laughed and then the hologram disappears.

Zoltan looks down at the "small" hologram and blinks. "I could barely hear her!! Looks like I'm the only one that doesn't have my brains beaten out though, but I can't get down! What can I do?" Zoltan notices Kiki and slightly smiles. He moves his finger so it's pointing down at the ground near the senshi, and sends a white beam towards it. *Maybe they'll get the message. I'm up here, I can't get down, and I'm sorry. Well, not for Mars or Venus, but, for everyone else, maybe. I've got a soft spot for that Saturn brat, I guess.*

Kiki looked at the hologram and sighed. "I didnt get beat up by that thing I could have kicked the crap out of it, if I had the chance" she turns her head and sees a white beam on the ground, then looked up. *Zoltan?* she wondered standing up finally, having more strength. She searched the sky. *Where is he and why isn't he coming down?*

Elda sat up on her elbos. "Okay, I dont know about you guys.. But I'M going." She jumped up and grabbed the sphere out of her staff and clutched it in her hand.

Rei stands behind Luna and then says, "Elda's right. Let's go." *Let's finish this...* She says quietly to herself.

Elda walked towards the huge tower. 'This time I'm GOING to get her..' She looked over at Aries. "Ari-chan... You okay?"

Zoltan notices that he got Kiki's attention and whistles. "Hey, Kiki, up here!!! I'm the dot on the cloud that's about 100 miles off the ground!!!" He shouts. "A little to the east!!!" He hoped that either Elda or Kiki would notice him up there.

Saturn struggls to stand up using her glaive, "We have to get Victory" She says to herself. A few words of Zoltan's reached her ears, "Oh wonderful. Two things to do, save that mean Pegasus and get Victoria." She mumbled a bit tired. Sighing she decided if they had Zoltan he would prolly help them get Victoria. "PEGASUS!" Saturn yelled cupping her hands around her mouth, "HOW IN THE WORLD DID YOU GET UP THERE!" She ran to Elda and Aries, pointing where she saw a tiny speck in the sky.


"What is all the yelling?!?!" Ka Lo screamed and sat up. She held her head and noticed everyone looking up in the sky. "HOW WILL YOU EVER BE ABLE TO GET DOWN AT ALL??" Ka Lo shouted rather loudly. She was now hurting from her own voice, and now was dizzy from all her yelling. "I shouldn't have shouted... Anyway, where are we going?" After a while she noticed Kiki was there and hurt from something. "Kiki, what happened to you?" she asked concerned.

Elda sweat dropped at Zoltan and shook her head. "HEY BAKA! YOU SURE YOU CANT GET DOWN?! YOU COULD AT LEAST TRY!" She cleared her throat."Feh," she spit some blood (from the cut lip) and whiped her mouth. "I dont think I'm going to like him very much.."

Saturn sighs and gets up to Elda, "you're not the only one. and come on! We can't let that witch turn Victoria into a portal to the chaos realm!" She grabs Elda's arm and starts running towards the ancient franticly.

"Wha? Arrrgh!" Elda gets dragged along by Saturn. "Heeey! Lemme gooo." Shes whines while running.

"Wait! What is everyone doing?" Ka Lo repeated. "I thought that Victoria chick was safe. Why is she so important anyway?" She grabs onto her shoulder, as it suddenly began to hurt again. "I think it might take all my strength to walk over there, just to then lay down. It was Victoria that did this to me after all."

"I fell its no big deal" Kiki muttered quickly to Ka Lo not saying that Zoltan had dropped her. they seemed not to like him enough anyway. "And don't call him a baka" she growled at Elda before looking back up at Zoltan and sighed. She could barely see him and squinted slightly to. *Why are you stuck up there?* she asked him mentally, not having the strength to yell to him. *Is there anyway you can get down or that I can help you get down?* she asked with a bit of worryi in her voice. She had tp lean over and breathe in heavily before she could stand upright again.

Rei(Now Sailor Mars) looked over at Ka Lo. "If we don't get to Victoria in time CP will turn her into a chaos realm portal. We don't need to deal w/ that. I couldn't really care less about the Victoria girl but if it means stopping a portal from being opened I'm there." SM starts off for the tower.

::begin meanwhile scene:: Crystal Poison looks down at the unconscious Victoria. "She looks familiar but I can't quite put my finger on it," CP mutters to herself. A tired Takashi appears behind her. Crystal Poison turns. "There you are. Hurry up, the Sailor senshi are almost here. I want a very big dragon just like the one in the painting-" "I'm tired. I don't have that much magic left..." Crystal Poison shakes her. "Listen, you don't get to decide! I'm in charge here and I want a big ass dragon! Understand?!" (Wow, what a b****) "Yes, boss..." ::end meanwhile scene:: You head to the ancient tower. The front doors are wide open so you walk inside. On the inside, there's an auditorium on the first floor. You hear your feet click on the polished oak floor. At the FAR end of the large room you see Victoria, who is tied to the wall. She's too far away for you to judge her physical condition. Crystal Poison materializes in the middle of the room, floating in the air on a small cloud. She's wearing a small Chinese dress and has her hair pulled into a fancy bun like a geisha (shes nuts). She is also smoking (?!). She greets all of the Sailor Senshi in the usual fashion, and then keeps talking. "Let's see here, we have all the Sailor brats here, and I have Victoria, so what went wrong last time? Oh, now I remember- you ran away with her. Wait, that's two things." Crystal Poison snaps her fingers. You hear a rumbling sound followed by a loud bang. Each of the doors gets sealed shut by a large slab of stone. Now you can't get out the way you came. "Okay, that covers your escape path," CP continues, "Now for the girl." CP points to where Victoria is tied a couple inches off the floor. CP waves her hands, and something happens. Within moments, the area surrounding Victoria gets covered with live scorpions. Only a couple hundred or so. "Ha! Try to get through that!" Poison says, laughing. "Oh wait, and there was a third thing I forgot to do last time, and that was to kill you." (ok, this is going to be a little hard to describe, so please bear with me.) You see a mural on the wall start to come alive and move. A huge dragon appears from it. It's a Japanese style dragon, that's about 100 times longer than it is high. In fact, you don't even know how long it is since it's bigger than the room you're in- that is, it's body crisscrosses the room, fading into and out of the walls, floor, and ceiling. It's face is ugly. It looks like a fish. It has a pair of legs every so often on its snake-like body, and each of these legs is a set of claws. You don't know where the dragon ends. You get a little loopy trying to follow the path of its body with your eyes because it's just everywhere. It's clear to you that you can't get to Victoria without navigating through the dragon's body/tail. "What are you going to do now, Sailor Senshi?" Poison asks, and then waits for your response.

Ka Lo gets up to walk to the tower, but then falls back to one knee. She sighs and struggles to get to her feet again. She reaches the tower then everything you just said happens "What is going on here?" she says out loud watching the dragon. "Oh, crap," she mumbles and tries to trace the end. *This is going to be hard...* Ka Lo tells herself.

Saturn swallows hard, a little intimidated by the dragon. "What the heck are we going to do" She says to herself. Moving over to Ka Lo she finally realizes what happened to her shoulder, and feels guilty for not figuring it out sooner. "Ka Lo how's the shoulder" She says partly sarcastically amidst of the situation, still gazing at the colossal dragon.

Ka Lo looks at Saturn confused for bringing it up, but decides to answer. "It hurts... But shouldn't be too much of a problem. I hope."

SailorChibi-Moon stands on a hilltop waveing to Neo-Queen Serenity and King Endimond. "Good-bye mama! Good-bye papa!"She then turns and raises the Crystal Key into the air,"Crystal Key! Take my to the past to protect our future!" She is enveloped in a pink cloud and cast into the time portal. Within a few minutes the cloud appears ubove the other Senshi and Chibi-Moon falls out."Ahhhhh!!" She notice's the dragon and lets out an ear piercing scream."What is that THING?"

Ka Lo jumps back as Chibi-Moon almost falls on her. "Who's that?!" Ka Lo asks quickly. "She seems familiar..."

Of course, Zoltan is still stuck up in the cloud. He starts to whistle, as he looks over at the ancient tower. *I don't know how I got up here, nor if I'll ever get down.* He tells Kiki mentally, wondering if she's in hearing range. "Maybe I can at least make this thing move..." Zoltan looks around, and makes his computer appear. Like usual, he started typing on it.

CP sees ChibiUsa pop in and her face goes like this---> O_o.. ::big tear drop::

Chibi Moon turns around and looks at Ka Lo." I'm Sailor Chibi Moon. Thats funny,you look excactly like me,a little diffrent,but pretty close. Now, will someone tell me what that that THING is?!? And also,who did this?"

Saturn puts a small smirk on her face when she sees Chibi Moon, "Hey Chibi Usa!! I don't think there is time for reunions but the person that made that creepy dragon appear is that person named Crystal Poison" She says pointing at CP. "we have to figure out a way to get rid of the gargantual dragon before it gets rid of us" Saturn looks a little worried but still confident.

Elda's eyes opened a bit wider than normal when she saw the dragon. "Whoa.." She was thrown out of her train of thought though, when Chibiusa fell infront of her. "What the... Aaargh! Just what we need, Chibi-chan!!" Elda groaned and shook her head. She sighed. "Lets just get this over with.."

Ka Lo looks at Chibi Moon interested then is finally broke from thought by Elda. "I surely don't mind making this quick." She closes her eyes and tries to do a reading of the dragon. 'Who needs Mercury when you have my technology,' she thinks. She opens her eyes to explain all she got about the dragon.

"Hmph! Don't sound so happy about my appearance, you might have a heart attack or something,"Chibi Moon says to Elda."Besides,I didn't have to come save you'r butts. I could go back anytime I wanted."

Elda growled. "We dont need you're help ANYways! So you can just go back if you like!" Elda crossed her arms defensivly. She took a long breath and tried to calm down. "Alright, I'm not trying to be mean here, girlie. I'm just uptight about this whole thing, and then having you just pop up out of nowhere.. Well, I dont want anymore surprises! My head hurts.@_@"

To Sailor Ka Lo: You obtain a reading on the dragon. You see that it's not a real dragon, it's a conjuration created by Takashi and Crystal Poison. Its scales are made out of metal, so they'll absorb a lot of your weaker attacks. Its most vulnerable point is its eyes. You can also go for its belly since there are no scales on it. A katana or some other sword would probably get through him the easiest. "Go, big dragon," says CP to the dragon that she apparently hasn't named yet. The dragon consents. Its face dives into the ground and comes up again, and then it winds around into and out of the walls as well. Before you know it, everyone seems surrounded by the trail of its super-long body, and you keep losing track of where its head is. All of a sudden, its face appears and starts heading towards Sailor KA LO, Sailor ARIES, and CHIBI-MOON. It spits out a cone of poison towards all three of you!! (There is a cone of poison and a dragon's face coming towards you.) To Sailor Saturn: The head isn't coming for you- you saw it go for the others. As part of its tail/body passes next to you, you turn around just in time to see one of its claws coming to slash you from behind!!

"AH SHIT! Ari-chaaaaan!" Elda freaked out a bit as the dragon moved and then lunged for Aries, Ka Lo and Chibi-Moon. "Black Hole!!" She screamed, trying to attack the huge dragon and stop it from ramming into Aries.

Saturn closes her eyes, trying to ease herself to think of some way to stop the claw from devouring her. Her thoughts are all jumbled with panic, "SILENCE WALL!" She just couldn't think of anything and out of nowhere preformed her attack, but now she was thinking of her friends and if the claw will strike through the silence wall...

Chibi Moon screams.*What am I supposed to do?Ummmm,* "Pink Sugar Heart Attack!"*That was probobley hopeless.*

"Ahhh!!" Ka Lo shouted. She took a step back and looked for a quick place to run. 'Wait, can't run now!' Everything was going through her head in seconds. "Uh... Spirit Sword!" The sword appears and instantly she aims for the dragon's stomach, the sword crammed with powered up energy. 'I'm sure everyone else will handle the poison thing...' she assumes. 'I just hope I aimed right and that it doesn't bounce off or something.'

"ACK!" Kiki cried as the thing came towards her. She heard Eldas attack and hoped it would work. "Well I'll give this a try, ARIES STAR SIGN POWER!" she shouted transforming quickly. She lifted her hand and closed her eyes. "Aries Zodiac Star Explosion" she said and aimed it at the poison cone since others were attacking the dragon.

"BLack Hole!!" Elda's attack has a curious effect on the dragon. You can't see if it is feeling any pain, but it definitely reacts. It seems disoriented for a moment. It stops its perilous advance towards Ka Lo, Aries, and Chibi-Moon, and turns elsewhere instead... To Sailor Saturn: "Silence Wall!" You hear a screeching noise as the claws scrape across the Silence Wall you just created. You can sense the feedback from the blow. But it missed you. You feel safe behind the Silence Wall. To Sailor Chibi-Moon and Kiki: "Pink Sugar Heart Attack!" Your shoot little pink hearts at the dragon. Unfortunately, they bounce right off the scales on his back and nearly hit you!! "Aries Zodiac Star Explosion!" Sailor Aries's attack starts to go off even before she's finished transforming. The Zodiac Star Explosion ignites just before the spray of poison reaches you and Chibi-Moon. The force of impact forms a bubble in front of you and Chibi-Moon so the poison splashes all around you and it doesn't hit you. Yay Ka Lo's spirit Sword attack is next. Even though the dragon is in constant motion around you, the stab into its underbelly is easier than you thought it would be and you slice it open. Your sword carves a long, thin streak and some blood & guts fall out. The dragon reacts angrily. Its movements get quicker. You don't have a good feeling about this... To Ka Lo: The dragon tries to get rid of Sailor Ka Lo. He whips his tail/body around and then swings it at Ka Lo like a battering ram. You have seconds to duck or otherwise react before it hits you. To Sailor Chibi-Moon and Aries: The two of you are still in the same area with the dragon's body coiling all around you. Suddenly, one part of it constricts around the the two of you, pushing you together.^_^ The dragon's body/tail is wrapper around you. It tightens and begins to make you quite uncomfortable. To Sailor Elda: You hear a noise high above you! You look up and see the dragon's head, which has returned. You see it coming at you, with its mouth wide open. At this point, you can't be sure whether its going to bite you, eat you, or just breathe at you, but it certainly can't be a good sign.

"O well isnt this cozy" Sailor Aries growled as the dragon started to squeeze her and Chibi Moon together. She was going to ask if she had any bright ideas but didn't. *Alright think! Man we could use a little help right now! Zoltan damnit why couldnt you come down? I could use assitance* she thought trying to think of a way to get out of this mess. "Hey I have an idea!" she said to Sailor Chibi-Moon. "I think if I use my Mirage Surround attack, I can make another one of me that won't be in this tight spot and that one of me can attack this big thing and hopefully make it stop squeezing us" she explained to her. "It might not work though.... lets sure hope so.. being in the tight spot the Nirage might not even work" she sighed, and called out. "ARIES MIRAGE SURROUND!" hoping that the thing would work.

Chibi Moon struggles to get free,"Urghh!(gasp) I can hardley breath."She starts kicking,and hitting the dragons body."Aries,I hope you'r attack works cause...This is getting REALLY uncomfortable."

Zoltan was steaming, as he started to whistle. "I'll never get down, and this is getting annoy-ING!!" He inforced the ing of annoying as he whistles. "I wish they at least had a gory movie here, or something. Something funny, or, something entertaining." "C'mon you stupid cloud, move or something like that." He started to pound on the cloud. Then he takes the Golden Sword, from where ever he put it, and starts poking the cloud with it.

"ARIES MIRAGE... SURROUND!" As you chant these words, you can feel your body project its consciousness outwards like a giant psychic sneeze. ...for a moment you can't see anything... then when you look again, you see yourself. That is, you see your own body outside of the dragon's grip, and facing you. You can control her with your mind, but you'll need to pay attention since she has a different point of view from your own. The mirage-Aries is ethereal, so she can't touch anything, but she still has all of your powers!

Ka Lo looks at her sword cut through. "Yeesss!!" she says to herself. But then she sees the tail coming towards her. "Shit," she mumbles. She makes her sword come back to her hand ready to challenge the tails strength. Quickly she realizes she hopeless of that and hopes to just stop it for a second then roll around under it, to have it past by.

Zoltan was steaming, and chopped the cloud in half, with the Golden Sword. "Oops, big mistake..." He mutters, as he starts to spin the the air, and then goes flying even further up! "Gah, if only I was more like my lengardary alternate self!!! Then I'd be able to control being stuck up here, d**n it!! Why can't I just open a portal and teleport myself down?!" There goes Zoltan, giving himself ideas. "Oh, why didn't I think of that before?" He states, annoyed, as he tries to stop himself by spinning the Golden Sword, so it would act like a propeller and keep him in the same spot.

Elda hesitated for a moment before quickly looking up and seeing the dragons mouth wide open and heading straight at her. "Holy!!-" Elda jumped and threw herself out of the way of the incoming dragon.

Saturn feels somewhat confident that the Silence Wall is in place and holding the dragon's claw. She turns her head and attention on her friends, *Maybe Aries can get them but I can't just stay here*. "ELDA!" Saturn's eyes pull to the dragon's mouth, "er..." Her eyes also turn to Ka Lo and Aries. Her mind seems a little confused on what to do and she has her mind off the Silence wall, carelessly.

Ka Lo tries her hardest to keep the tail away with her sword. Quickly she jumps to the floor in an attempt to roll under. 'Please don't have it squish me,' she thinks nervously.

Sailor Pluto stands at the time gates, when she turns her head to a certain event. "It looks like the senshi are in a big jam." She observes, noticing Elda being chased by a dragon head, and Chibi-Moon stuck in the tail of the same dragon. "This enemy seems to be horrible enough, maybe I could leave this place for a while, and help them out." Pluto jumps though a portal, and lands in front of the anicent tower. She notices that all the entrances are blocked by huge stone slabs. Maybe I should blow this up, she thinks, getting ready to attack. "Dead...SCREAM!!!"

Elda's head suddenly shot up. "Wha-?!" She narrowed her eyes. "Someones here..I know it, I can sense it.. I recognize the aura coming off of them..."

Sailor Aries shockingly looked at herself outside of herself "Alright you scum bag" she mumbled noticing some of her other friends were in trouble. "Damnit..... maybe somehow I can attack both at once?" she mumbled aloud. "But how.... make the attacks so strong that it fills up the place attacking everything in its path thats how!" her clone exclamied to her excited. "Good idea! go for it me!" Sailor Aries laughed. The second Sailor aries breathed in. "Ok here goes! By the power of the star sign of Aries! ARIES ZODIAC STAR EXPLOSION!" she screamed gathering a huge ball of energy from herself and the stars. She shot it up in the air hoping it would fill the place and destroy some bad guys.

Elda winced at the bright light that came from Aries. 'What in the world.. Is she doing?" She thought while placing her hand infront of her eyes.

Chibi Moon watches the attack,"Wow, that was cool! Maybe we'll get free and be able to help the others." Chibi Moon wiggles around uncomfortably.

'So heavy...' Ka Lo thought weary. At last she gives it one last push and dives under the tail.

Saturn shieled her eyes from the massive explosion, and turning back to her Silence Wall.

Sailor KA LO expertly rolls under the dragon's tail. You hear the colossal tail brush just past your head and slam into the wall behind you. Sailor ELDA also dives away. The roaring dragon's mouth goes past, magically into the floor. You wonder where it will pop up next... "DEAD SCREAM!" Crystal Poison looks over to see the slabs of stone smashed in, and an additional Sailor Senshi enter the scene. *Where do they keep coming from?* She wonders. "Hurry up, dragon!" she commands. "Kill them all! Get rid of them!" "ARIES ZODIAC STAR EXPLOSION!" A bright light shines throughout the entire room. The dragon screams as its entire body is affected. Crystal Poison is shielded from it; if you happened to look up at her in that second, you would notice a protective ball of energy around her. When the light goes out, the dragons' scales burst into blue flames. It twists around in pain. Its weak area, where Sailor Ka Lo had sliced it earlier, breaks apart. It just ripped itself in half. The area of it that was trapping Sailor Aries and Sailor Chibi-Moon loosens. You guys are ok... Now, there's a burning, screaming dragon all around. Crystal Poison gets angry. "Stupid dragon!" she says impatiently. "You will fail me no more- Become a gargoyle!" Then, despite the fact that the dragon is still alive and quite useable, Crystal Poison kills it! She shoots a blast of Chaos energy at its head. The head immediately turns into stone. Moments later, the rest of its giant body begins to turn into rock as well- travelling down its spine. Crystal Poison makes her exit. She floats to the ground for a second, grabs Victoria (once again) and then books it. You see her go UP a flight of stairs. You hear a creaking noise overhead. The dragon's body, now completely stone, starts cracking. Then, to your dismay, you see it beginning to fall down, in huge chunks(each about the size that its head was but much, much heavier.) You are about to get pummeled by scores of falling rocks. Note: Assume that the dragon is falling down on everyone, even Sailor Pluto. This is because it's really big, and it's bringing down some of the second floor with it^_^

Pluto notices the falling chucks of rock. She looks at some of them, and spins her time staff in the air above her. She was hoping that would act as some sort of shield, as she tried to firgue out what she could do. I could just use another Dead Scream, she thought, it's worth a try. She stops spinning her time staff, and starts another attack phrase. "Dead...SCREAM!" She aimed it at the rocks she could blow the attack at.

Zoltan looks down, and notices the anicent tower. "Poor things, I wish I could help them." He mumbles, spinning his sword like mad. "If only I could get out of this mess!!! I hate being Tenshi no Chiyu sometimes..." Zoltan continues to spin his Golden Sword, just so he'd stay in the same spot. He tries to fly towards the tower, while still spinning the sword.

"Watch out everyone!" Ka Lo shouted, when back on her feet. "I think it is coming down!" Right away it begins to crumble and Ka Lo runs next to Elda. "Come on!" she says to everyone. "We have to hurry and get out of here. Watch out for dragon parts.ä She runs and picks up her sword that she dropped on the floor and works on slicing the stones falling down, into two halves. It was then she realized the floor was falling as well. "Oh...Crap," she mumbles.

Saturn glared at Crystal Poison's cowardice retreat for a second, muttering "Damn dragon" She looks around at her friends, and whispers "Ecstasy" She twirls around and ribbons/lightning emerge around her, shooting at the stones making tiny yet powerful explosions at contact *we have to get away from here before we get pummeled*

Chibi Moon falls to the ground and begins rubbing her sides and walking,"Great! We gotta get out of here. That stupid coword. Attacks,loses and runs."She sighs and begins running twords the doors.

"Guys?" Elda peered around a corner of the stone dragon, doging a peice of falling rock. "ACK!" She jumped when Ka Lo popped up beside her. "Gah, dont DO that!" Elda breathed a sigh of relief. "yeah, lets go outta here!"

"Sorry," Ka Lo laughed to Elda. She stopped swinging her sword at the rocks and stopped for a second to catch breath. One of them smacked her in the head causing her to smash into the ground. She grunted and got back up, her head aching. "Follow Chibi to the door!" she yells to everyone and runs behind her towards the exit. "We can get CP later!"

Ka Lo's slicing of the stones does a good job with the closest ones, but there's too many rocks for her to attempt to save everyone. Luckily, Sailor Pluto's "Dead Scream" whistles in from the side, and melts a good number of the falling stones before they can do any damage, and give the heroes(you^_^) enough time to escape the majority of the rocks. Sailor Saturn aims "Ecstasy" at the rocks-- exploding them into even sharper, and faster chunks! One of the ricocheting shards plunges into the ground and nearly kills Luna! Luna yells and jumps on Sailor Saturn's back for cover^.^ A large, thundering crash. Pluto, Elda, Ka Lo, and Chibi-Moon escape the building with only minimal scratches. Sailor Saturn and Luna, though in the center of the rubble, are unhurt since Saturn's attack blasted the rocks away from her (who knows where everyone else is^_^ Under the rubble?). Part of the first-floor is missing a wall, and a ceiling, but the building is still standing up. Smoke and ash are still rising up from the crash-site. Luna coughs. :::meanwhile scene::: Crystal Poison, reaches one of the upper floors of the tower and drops Victoria. There, she finds Takashi, the young witch, kneeling at a sacred altar. "What are you doing wasting time?" asks the wrathful Crystal Poison. "Hurry up- let's counterattack before the the Sailor warriors can do the same." A pause. Takashi does not respond. Perspiration breaks out on CP's face, as getting ignored is the absolute worst out of everything that ticks her off... "Takashi! What's wrong with you!" Her subordinate looks up, indifferent to CP's mood. "Finish filling up the little girl with chaos energy," is all she answers. "I'm going to do that, but first I want to kill the Sailor Senshi!..." Takashi shakes her head. "You're not strong enough to defeat all of them at once." "What?!" CP says incredulously. She can't even think of anything to say before Takashi continues- "If you blast her with Chaos energy, then you will become more powerful." Crystal Poison is startled by this. Her face begins to show signs of confusion... "What are you talking about, and how do you know that?... I thought she was a portal or something?" Takashi's strange smile only mystifies her further. "Takashi!! What's going on here anyway! You know everything, don't you?! Just what's so important about this girl?! And what's the point of shooting her??" Takashi stares at CP suddenly. "The girl is you." "What are you saying? What do you mean she's me?" "You only have memories from the 30th century, correct? But you were once a regular kid on Earth in the present, with a real name. Your real name is Victoria Jackson. We kidnapped you to make you into what you are. Therefore, if you keep hitting her with Chaos energy, you will grow stronger." Crystal Poison gets a weird, shocked look on her porcelain face. After a moment though, it turns to pain as she realizes that the import of everything Takashi's said, and that it's all true. Before she can do too much else, Takashi continues. "Look, you've wasted so much time, that little Victoria has escaped again. Hurry up and catch her, and keep shooting her." CP, now just realizing that Takashi is her boss (and not her lackey), and being too bewildered to argue back, runs blindly out of the room. As CP descends the stairs, she hears Takashi's voice continuing to speak in her head... "We are looking into the possibilities of reciprocal-time-absorption. This is a test, Crystal Poison...." :::end meanwhile scene, back to the heroes::: The dust finally settles down and you realize you're ok, and you look around to see who else made it out. You look to the side when you hear footsteps. You see Victoria Jackson walking out the tower, towards you. She picks her way through the rubble and the dashed stones all over the ground, trying not to step on anything sharp. She looks like she just woke up. She sees the Sailor-team, but seems too defunct to react to your presence. She is about halfway across, still navigating through the pile of rubble, when Crystal Poison arrives at the far staircase. CP has a wild look in her eyes that could mean absolutely anything. She looks at Victoria and the Sailor Senshi too. And then you think she's about to do something, but she doesn't. She just... stands there...

Elda coughed and slowly stood herself up (She fell when she ran out) and dusted herself off. She looked over to see Victoria and then Crystal Poison pop up near her. "Stay away from her you!" She growled and jumped infront of Victoria, taking on a defensive stance.

Pluto notices Victoria, while brushing some dust off her shoulder. We must be trying to protect her, she thinks, because Elda is trying to defend her. Sailor Pluto steps forward, holding her time staff forward. "I DON'T CARE WHO YOU ARE, CRYSTAL POSION, JUST KEEP AWAY FROM THAT GIRL!" She shouts, stepping next to Elda. She grips tighter onto her time staff, and holds it at her side, angrilly. Maybe she's not going to do anything yet, and we might have a chance to get Victoria away, thinks Pluto, a little bewildered by Crystal Posion just standing there.

Saturn glares at Crystal Poison, "stay away from the girl" She murmurs, moving infront of Victoria. "Elda why is she staying so's eerie" She whispers, "Whatever the reason I'm guessing it has to do with Victoria..?"

"Forget the girl," Ka Lo says harshly to everyone. "Where's Aries? And Mars? We need to find them first. Besides, CP doesn't look very up to a fight just now."

CP sees Elda and a few of the other Senshi blocking her way to Victoria. Your presence seems to snap her out of the funk she was in. She gets that familiar angry, haughty look on her face, only it's slightly different this time- mingled with sadness. She floats a few feet in the air above you. "Get away from me," she suggests in an icy cold tone-- "And if you touch me, I swear to GOD I'll kill you!!" As she says this, she collects evil energy between the palms of her hands. The energy takes the form of a black rifle. The gun fires bolts of Chaos energy- which is like black lightning, only hotter and more devastating.. It's particularly reactive against Sailor Senshi. She fires about six or seven pulses in a row at the group surrounding Victoria- as if she's trying to shoot through you to get to her.

"Watch out!" Ka Lo shouted and ran over there. Stupidly, she steps in front of Elda and gets hit by one of the fire bolts. It swings her back on top of Elda, but quickly she jumps back up. "Control your anger," she mutters to herself. "Victoria isn't as important as Aries..." Quickly she just dodges back for the tower.

Saturn steps futhur towards Crystal Poison and gets hit by one of the chaos energy bolts, wincing she get's back up,"ka lo....they are prolly okay.." She mutters to herself for no reason, "s-silence astra-" She has trouble staying standing.

Ka Lo winces from the pain and tries to get to the door, but this injury combined with the other one, along with not having her necklace, made her just collapse. She's not knocked out, just laying there. Ka Lo holds her head, it aching and tries to attack. "Star!" she says unsteady. "Pain Ball Blast!" All the smalls, millions of balls fly at CP. "Hope she's paying attention..." Ka Lo mumbles.

"Wha-!" Elda didnt have time enough to react before Ka Lo got infront of her getting and got hit, knocking Elda over. She stood up as Ka Lo dashed off. "Ka Lo!" She yelled as she watched her friend collasp on the ground. "C'mon, Victoria! I'm going to help the others and YOU'RE coming too! Besides, we've gotta get you away from that evil chick." Elda grabbed Victoria's hand and ran off towards Ka Lo and the entrance.

Ka Lo slowly got up as she watched Elda and Victoria run over. 'Hate to see what CP does now that we have Victoria with us,' Ka Lo decided to herself. "Nice mess you've gotten us into," she said to Victoria. It sounded rude, but she said it very kindly and teasingly. "Come on..."

To Saturn: Yes it does hurt^_^. At first the Chaos Energy feels like its constricting you, like chains, but it starts to get somewhat better as you learn how to fight against it. "Star Pain Ball Blast!" Crystal Poison is too angry to defend herself, so she absorbs the full force of this attack. She howls in pain. But it doesn't seem to lessen her determination to kill everyone. She only looks more distressed than before. Elda runs off with the girl. ...Victoria looks at Ka Lo indignantly. "Well it's not like this I want this crazy lady after me," she says in a slightly pissed off tone. Then she smiles. "I'm glad you guys are protecting me... Hurry it up and get rid of that lady, ok?" She hides behind Sailor Elda. CP focuses her attention on the Sailors with Victoria and ignores everything else. To Sailor Ka Lo: CP aims her gun at you. You get ready to dodge out of the way-- but when she fires, she doesn't hit you, but the crumbled wall next to you. It explodes, knocking you off your feet. To Sailor Elda: CP appears, yells "Let me Go!" and smacks you across the face with her rifle! Then she tries to make a grab and pull Victoria away from you.

Elda's knocked back when she get hit with CP's gun. But she manages to stay on her feet. "I told you to leave her ALONE!!" Elda screams angrily, running back infront of Victoria and sending a punch at CP. She then quickly grabs Victoria, tosses her over her shoulder and dashes off, trying to get away from Crystal Poison.

Pluto glares at Crystal Posion. "Yo! Stop it!" She declares, spinning her time staff and then pointing it at Crystal Posion. "Dead...SCREAM!!!!!" She shouts, trying to distract Crystal Posion. That better work, she thinks.

Zoltan looks down at the fight, while flying around in circles, high above them. "It doesn't look too bad." He mutters, spinning his Golden Sword even faster. It looked like a streak of golden light, if you looked up at it. "How can I help them from all the way up here?" "Well, they all look like little specks...Wait, I don't even see them!!!" Zoltan sighs. "How the heck can I know I'm aiming right if I can't even see them?"

"Ack!" Ka Lo jumps back to her feet, having just enough time to dodge most of the crumbling wall, but one piece falls and knocks her back down. She stuggles to get out from under the wall slab. "Someone get this off me!" she screamed.

Sailor Mars runs over to Ka Lo. "Stay still." She says as she lifts the slab off of Ka Lo. Sailor Mars pulls Ka Lo to her feet and looks off to Elda and Victoria. "We gotta follow them." She says in a hurried voice and starts running over to Elda.

Saturn stays stead on her feet atlast, *if they run without cover she'll get them all* "Silence Astral!" She yells hoping it works as she watches energy gather near her glaive..

"Thanks," Ka Lo said gratefully. "You follow them. Hopefully they can find Aries, and I will stay and help Saturn." She pauses thinking of what to do. "Hey Victoria!" she shouts. "Do you still have that gun?"

Victoria whips the gun out. "Sure I do, here it is," she tells Ka Lo. "Let me guess, you want me to shoot the lady right??" She gets ready to point the gun at Crystal Poison, but hesitates a little just to make sure that's what you had in mind.

"Of course," Ka Lo says. "But only if I need to. You probably have better aim then me!" She laughs lightly. "It will just be a precaution."

"Guys, we cant just stand around and talk. We've gotta get Victoria away from Crystal Poison!" Elda said with a worried look on her face. Her arms crossed over her chest.

"You're right," Ka Lo decided. "You all go that way, but stay together. Crystal Poison is going to go after Victoria no matter who is with her. She isnât going to turn for others. I will stay and help Saturn." She paused to decide more. "And one of you go and find Aries. We haven't seen or heard from her since she attacked. She might still be trapped inside. And while one of you are running around, try and figure out a way to get Zoltan down." Again she stopped and went back over everything. "I think that covers it. Hurry up!" She brought her sword back out and ran over by Saturn. "Let's finish this," she said to Saturn. "Keep an eye on her and donât let her run off for Victoria." "Everybody knows what they're doing!?" she yelled to everyone, hoping for just a nod of agreement. "HEY ZOLTAN!!!!" she shouted, making her sort of dizzy again. "YOU STILL UP THERE??" 'Where else would he be·'she wondered to herself.

Elda nodded."Got'cha Ka Lo!" She took Victoria's hand again. "C'mon kiddo! Lets get out of here!" Elda ran off down an alleyway, taking Victoria with her.

Elda's punch misses CP by far, unfortunately. Only Elda and Victoria are in front of CP; everyone else is behind her. CP notices a purple light just before Pluto's Deadly Scream rages towards her and hits her in the back. Once again her defenses seems to be wide open. "Ugh!" She cries as she falls down... She gets back up again. "Sailor Slime! I won't let any of you live!" she yells, as impervious as ever. She prepares a powerful area attack- you're guessing some sort of Chaos-energy shower- but before she can complete it, a circle of purple energy absorbs the whole attack. (Saturn's Astral!) While the barrier doesn't hurt her any, the indignity of it all has a serious effect on her. Very quickly, she chants a prayer to dispel it. It's a formidable barrier, and even though it would take a regular spellcaster forever to get rid of it, you see it breaking apart after a couple of seconds. It's at this point that Elda runs off with Victoria. Victoria was about to try shooting CP until she got pulled away (willingly, mind you). Crystal Poison, too hurt to attempt another huge attack like the last one, instead punches her hands into the ground. You see swirls of fuschia start to emanate from the striking point, running along the ground. To Sailor Elda and Victoria: Black tentacles bust out of the ground and prevents you from running further. The snake-like tentacles start to wrap around the different parts of your body and lift you into the air. To all Sailor Senshi (except Zoltan^_^, LOL): Small purple lines appear beneath your feet. Then, a patch of black tentacles grows out underneath you and ensnares you. Most of you are caught around the neck, but some people only have their waist or legs entwined. The living vines seem to enjoy making you helpless. Crystal Poison, instead of running after Elda, shoots her with the rifle. To Sailor Elda: You feel yourself absorbing the evil energy from the bullet. For some reason you start hallucinating... even though you know it's only an illusion, you can't help thinking about death as images of skulls and rotting corpses appear in front of you. The effect of it is really trippy. ...After all of this, Crystal Poison falls to her knees to catch her breath. "Give... me... back... Don't touch her...."

Elda skidded to a stop when the tentacles flew out of the ground infront of her. "Crap! This isnt good.." She looked around quickly, trying to find another way to escape but before she oculd do anything they(the tenticles) wrapped around her and Victoria. She squirmed trying to get lose, then the bullet hit her and the illusions started. She felt a kinda wozy. "W-what...?!" She look around with horrified eyes at the skulls and rotting corpses.

Zoltan keeps spinning his Golden Sword with one hand, and makes his computer appear (the guy must love his computer), and types on it with another hand. He made it so it would give him a close up view of the senshi, without having to use any energy beams or something they would notice. "Oh boy, not good...not at all." Zoltan mumbles, looking at his computer. "Ahh, Pluto can die." He inforced the word die, hating Pluto. "But, what's up with Elda?" Zoltan didn't really care about her too much, either, but decided to check it out anyhow. He zoomed up close to Elda. It seemed that she was looking at some sort of illusion, maybe? "Crystal Posion seems weak." He decides, once zooming out. "But, if I blast her, will that give my postion away? It is hard to tell where I am, but this might not be a good idea. I could move before she could react, but I'm not sure? What if I aim wrong, and hit one of them? I honestly don't care if I hit Pluto, but..." Zoltan drags off, sighing with obvious confusion in his eyes.

Ka Lo watched as the twine shot up. She tried to turn around and run but they pulled her wrists back and grabbed her. Then they got her legs. "Let me go!" she shouted angry. She still has her sword in her hand. 'Maybe I can twisted it just enough to hit the twine and let me lose... Or I could just wait for Aries to show up or Zoltan to get down...' "Saturn!" she shouts worried, trying to see how it got her. 'Have to get a semi-reading.' She closed her eyes and tried to concentrate, allowing all her struggling hands and legs go still. 'This time I will tell them what I get...' she told herself. 'Then they can help.'

Reading on black tentacles. They have much more strength than a regular human being- that is, they're powerful enough to lift tree trunks. They are rather smart and pretty nasty in general... But their weak point is that they have no defenses, and they burn up quickly.

Saturn watches her Barrier crumble and gasps as the tentacles wrap around her neck, making it hard to breathe easily. The second the tentacles shot up her arms bolted to it, trying to loosen the hard grip.. *stupid tentacle..*

'Perfect,' Ka Lo decided. 'Mars has fire. I hope she has her hands free...' "Hey Mars! They are quick to burn; try using your attack. But be careful! They are quick, clever, and really strong. Everyone else try and attack!" She snaps her wrist and aims the sword falling straight at the tentacles. 'Hope they will slice.'

*They burn up quickly huh?* Sailor Mars thinks as she feels the tentacles surround her all around her body. "FIRE SOUL EXTINGUISH!!" The Senshi of Fire screams as her fire comes from all points of her body intended to scorch the tentacles."Thanx Ka Lo!" She shouts through the tentacles.

Elda squirmed some more. "Ah, thats just great. Fire! My attacks are all WATER based.." She grumbles and smacked one of the tentacles that was holding her with her staff. "Let me GO damnit!" She kicked her legs trying to et free. "Ari-CHAN! Dooo something!"

While she waits for her other attack and aims another towards the other incased in tentacles."Mars Celestial Fire Surround!!!" She screams as her attack is aimed at the other tentacles. "Hey Ka Lo! Want some help?" She yells.

"I think I got it under control!" Ka Lo shouted back. "But try and help Saturn!" She gazes over to Victoria and Elda. "And Victoria..." She leaves her eyes on Elda. 'What is up with her?' she asks herself. "Elda?" she called in a funny voice. "Hey! Are you alright?" After Elda doesn't answer, her look turns concerned. 'Please let these things cut me free. I have to help the others, set Elda straight, maybe help Zoltan get down, get Victoria to safety, make sure CP is gone, and find Aries inside the tower. This is too much!'

Elda stopped and cringed again as she saw more illusions.'Are they..real?? They.. They cant be!'

"Elda!?" Ka Lo shouted again. "Hey! Can you hear me? What's wrong?" She tries to slice free from the tentacles again. "Stupid sword..." she mumbled. "Just go straight!" It was then the tentacles picked her up off the ground. "Whoooaaaa!! Hey!!!" They put her down hard but not too hard to hurt her, just to shake her up. It did it twice more. "Stop... Doing that!!" she said, her voice shaky.

"What? Ka Lo-chan?! Are you okay." She shouted, trying to ignore the rotting corpses. Just then one of the tencacles squized her harder and whacked her against a rock. "ARRGH!"

Sailor Ka Lo uses her only free hand to slice at the tentacles. They get sliced, and spout black ooze at her. She is able to get free, but immediately, the surrounding tentacles attempt to trap her again. "FIRE SOUL EXTINGUISH!!" A strange light emanates from Sailor Mars and the crackling of fire is heard. All of the tentacles in the area are absorbed quickly- they dry up and turn into dust. The bad news is: the tentacles are SO flammable that they ALL catch on fire, including the other sailor senshi in the inferno. Sailor Pluto, Saturn and Chibi Moon get caught in the flames. The good news is that the flames only last for a second. The tentacles burn up so quickly that you are left in mid-air for a moment before you drop to the ground, *thump*. ..."Mars Celestial Fire Surround!!!" And the tentacles next to Ka Lo go bye-bye. While all of this is going on Crystal Poison takes the opportunity to walk over to Sailor Elda and Victoria, who are still caught in the tentacles. CP is all beat-up and her clothes are torn in some areas. She goes up to Victoria. Vic yells at her^_^. "No matter what happens, the Sailor Senshi are going to protect me!!! You crazy demon!" "I'm just trying to protect you from the Sailor Senshi," CP responds calmly. Strangely, she isn't angry anymore. "Let's just get away from here... We'll go to a place where no one could ever hurt you, not the Sailor Senshi, and not the 30th century creeps who boss me around--" "Weirdo, what the hell are you talking about?!-- Sailor Saturn!! Help me!" CP looks about to react, but she stops. She looks at the other senshi and sees that the other Sailors have gotten free from the tentacles. She prepares to fight once again... *I'm almost out of attacks,* she thinks to herself. She remembers a voice in her head, that told her that if she shoots Victoria, then she would gain power. *Lord, I need power...* she thinks. CP aims the gun at Victoria. Victoria flinches. There is a long pause and the CP puts the gun down. She falls to her knees and cries. "I just can't do it... I can't shoot myself!" she says. Tears run down her face.

Saturn thumps down on the ground, "stupid tentacles.." She jumps up and runs towards the space between CP and Victoria, but stops confused about Crystal Poison. Elda, Elda comes into Saturn's head, but she can't bring herself to do anything, still trying to comprehend what Crystal Poison was talking about. She just stands there, partly burnt her mind going two ways.

"NO!! Dont hurt her!" Elda screamed as CP held up a gun to Victoria. She got a VERY surprised look on her face when she just collasped on her knees and started sobbing. "Cant..Shoot YOU'RE self?! Crystal...??" She felt kinda of sorry for CP, she was just sitting there crying. 'Saturn!' Elda sent out a mental message for Sailor Saturn - or for any of the senshi who could hear her. 'Saturn, can you help get me and Victoria out of these tentacles?'

Sailor Mars obliges Elda's request and uses a less extreme fiery attack. "Mars Fire Ignite!" She yells as she blasts the tentacles holdin Victoria and Elda. Then Sailor Mars stands in front of Victoria just in case Cp changes her mind.

"Your self?" Ka Lo asks and walks over. "Victoria... IS YOU?!?!" She stands there amazed. "I don't believe it!" Suddenly she realizes she is covered with ooze. 'Gross...' she thinks. She kneels down beside CP and looks at her. "You don't have to fight," she told her softly. "You never have to answer to anyone but yourself. That is what I did, and now I'm in the big league. Protecting the galaxies. No one believed I could, but I ignored what they thought I should do and went for it. You can do whatever you want. There is no way anyone could want to do this kind of stuff. It always comes from jealousy, hatred, and trickery. What is it you want?" Without answering she stood up. *I know we should stay here,* Ka Lo said to everyone in their heads. *But some of us have to find Aries. Split up. She is crying so hard she wonât notice whoâs all here.*

"Thanks, Mars!" Elda walked over to Crystal Poison, knelt down by her and Ka Lo and gave her a hug. "I agree. You dont have to do what anyone tells you to! You can follow YOU'RE own path. And make YOU'RE own decisens." She smiled warmly at CP, trying to reassure her. "Dont let someone else lead you down the wrong path.."

"I'm so lost...." Sailor Aries mumbled looking around very unfamilar surroundings. "Where is everyone???" she asked paniaced. "This sucks" she sat down and untransformed. "No use wasting energy.... I'll be stuck here forever!" Kiki whined a bit picking at something on the ground. "Boo" she huffed.

Elda looked up at Ka Lo. "Why dont you and Saturn go look for Ari-chan, Puu-chan(Pluto) and Chibi-chan? I can stay here with Crystal." She offered.

"Okay, Crystal feel better..." Ka Lo told her. 'Her silence is really creepy...' she decided to herself. *Aries!* she tired to call her through her mind. *Saturn and I are coming to find you. Do you have any idea where you are? Can you hear me at all?* Slowly she walked over to the tower and struggled to get the door open. After it wouldnât budge, she just used her sword to cut through some rock and ceiling. "Comin' Saturn?" she asked, turning around. "We got a full path in."

Crystal Poison wipes away her tears. She regains some composure after you speak to her. She looks pleading as though she wants forgiveness. "Make my own decisions? It was my decision to kill you.... but that's just because we were on opposites sides. You guys are really the same as me. I understand that now." "To tell you the truth, I don't really want anything to do with it anymore. It's just too much." CP stands up and dusts herself off. She points to Victoria. "They told me that's me... I can't believe what I've turned into. I wish I could be young again." Meanwhile, Victoria whines. (She wasn't listening to CP) "I wanna go home," she complains.

Saturn stands for a minute listening to Crystal Poison, "Good for you Crystal...Good for you"

Elda smiled and got up also. "Good for you Crystal.." She looked around. "Okay, I'm really getting worried about Ari-chan and Puu-chan..." She said, looking down. Then back up at the tower. "I sure hope.. Ka Lo finds them. Are you gonna go with her Saturn? Or could I!" Elda had a hopeful look on her face, she really had missed Pluto and she was quiet worried about her. And the others of course too.

"Aries!!!" Ka Lo shouted, hoping for an answer. "Shout if you hear me!" She sliced through more rocks and then came to a clearing. 'Now which way?' she asked herself. She went to the middle and examined her surroundings. "Hey, I dug a tunnel," Ka Lo said proudly. "I guess Saturn isn't coming. But that's okay. Where do I go now?" she asked herself again.

Saturn shakes her head after looking at Crystal Poison, "I am going with her.....but what's wrong with you coming too?" She hits her head, "crystal poison...." She looks at Elda's face, "If you really want to go I could stay....." She would hate if it she let down that hopeful face.

*Are any of you coming?* Ka Lo asked everyone in their heads. *I made a tunnel you can follow.* She goes through more rocks. "Aries!" she shouts once more. *If you are, hurry up! I'm pretty far in already.*
